Daz to Blender help

Hello everyone,
I have seen many YouTube videos trying to send over the models and i have trouble understanding it. The times i have tried, either the asset doesn't show up in blender files or DAZ stops working and crashes. This was before i downlaoded 1.7.3 file and tried installing it but i dont know where to place it. I have my assets in the C-Drive/Documents while i have the app and such in my D-Drive.
If anyone knows the how to get this to work, I would appreciate it.
hello, there. i finally got a chance to try this and im having issues with steps 3 and 4;
The docs seem clear to me, what exactly is your problem ?
As a side note personally I do none of them, since the scripts can be run directly from the daz script folder so menus can be avoided, and content folders are not necessary if you use the daz default.
it may seem simple to you since you have moremknowledge than i do. I have no menus on my tab. i double clicked the script option and nothing appears. so again, i dont know where im messing up. second picture is of "step up" menu of what it should look like. In the first it doesnt. i also installed the "to_daz_studio" folder into my library folder and nothing
I use 4.21 perhaps there's some difference in the API with 4.22, if you want you can open a issue at bitbucket for Thomas to verify. But again you don't need the menus you can run the scripts directly from the scripts folder, that's what I do.
You are not alone. I haven't been able to follow a single one of the doc pages.