January 2016 New User 3D Art contest “Composition” (WIP Thread)



  • HitManWAHitManWA Posts: 152
    edited January 2016


    Post edited by HitManWA on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    HitManWA said:

    Corrected a few things. Worked on the pose, tried to get the archery tech right based on what I could find on the net. :/ Changed the angle some too, to try and utilize the rule of thirds better.


    This has improved very much already with the new anngle, giving the viewer more of her face and as well a better light on her face. What I would try is to let her look at what she is about to shoot. you can try to place a primitive out of view in the line of the arrow and use "Point at" the primitive on the eyes

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited January 2016

    Here's what I knocked out last night as an idea.

    This is a nice start on an action setting, the detail is kind of hart to get though. Generally ist a good idea to keep within a colourscheme. You can try to alter the brightness values to make things more distinct. I took you image and converted it to greyscale to show one of the tools descibed in the links above. The human's body is seen clearly, his head gets lost and the monster is not setting much off the wall. the reflections of the lamps take the attention away from the action.


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  • asonviasonvi Posts: 3
    edited January 2016

    Test Number Two Edit Shader (Texture) of SKIN (Torso, Legs, Arms) Model V7 (Sasha-Genesis3) of DAZ3D .i Tattoo Submissions as "Layer" and edited with Photoshop CC 2015 were taken
    from public libraries (google images).

    Image removed

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Teofa said:

    Trying to get the feel of the fading focus of a doomed rebel. Never attempted this. I'll go with "Nothing Personal" as title.  (Prior to my eye surgery

    my focus was getting past this point lol)

    Hi Teofa, the blurr is a nice add, I feel for the poor rebel, give them a chance! Could you give the gun something to make it more distinkt from the black and wihite of the trooper armor? (well something else than a muzzle flarecrying)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    HitManWA said:

    Again tinkering around with Trying to get my head wrapped around colors and the layout.


    HitMan, the poor girl has some serious rash on her legs... could it be the SSS is somewhat hight? (not a fan of Iray skins, me) Generally I found the colours you used in this one a bit stark, the green of the bikini is complemtary to the red of the backdrop and the rosy red on the cheeks is a different flavour to the rest of the reds.

    What I really like is the position and the camera angle used!

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    Linwelly said:
    HitManWA said:

    Corrected a few things. Worked on the pose, tried to get the archery tech right based on what I could find on the net. :/ Changed the angle some too, to try and utilize the rule of thirds better.


    This has improved very much already with the new anngle, giving the viewer more of her face and as well a better light on her face. What I would try is to let her look at what she is about to shoot. you can try to place a primitive out of view in the line of the arrow and use "Point at" the primitive on the eyes

    You aren't going to get "look at" to work with this pose preset.  I have the set.  The pose adds uncorrectable strabismus, each eye looking a separate direction.  Only thing I have found is to cover one eye with the hood, as in the promo shots with the pose, or close the off eye.  Unfortunate for such a nice archery pose. 

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  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    Linwelly said:
    Teofa said:

    Trying to get the feel of the fading focus of a doomed rebel. Never attempted this. I'll go with "Nothing Personal" as title.  (Prior to my eye surgery

    my focus was getting past this point lol)

    Hi Teofa, the blurr is a nice add, I feel for the poor rebel, give them a chance! Could you give the gun something to make it more distinkt from the black and wihite of the trooper armor? (well something else than a muzzle flarecrying)

    Worked on that, I feared not enough.  I did add more color to the laser glass, more specular and other stuff to the blaster. It is supposed to be the focal point. I am trying to figure something else out.

  • Just popping in to say there are some interesting renders so far.  I am working on something and should have a rough draft up by tomorrow.

    HitMan - I'm not sure which pose package you got that pose from or if it was one you did yourself, but you might want to check out this page on proper grip and then adjust your archer's grip.  Her grip is way too tense and needs to relax some.  You also need to bend that finger so that it is more curved.  No archer I know would ever hold a bow like that.  The only part of the hand that should actually be holding the grip is the thumb and the palm of the hand when in shooting stance.  I would also Google Archery Grip or Archery Stance for reference photos of actual archers.  The pose is a great starting point.  It just needs to be adjusted slightly if you want a more realistic shooting stance.  If you don't, then you can ignore everything I just said.  wink  I'm an archer and an instructor so I tend to cringe at improper grips and I'm always in correction mode.  Ignore me if I've overstepped.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    The modern archery grip is fairly recent.  Many traditional styles don't use it, particularly traditional Asian styles.  I doubt the fellows at Agincourt used the modern style. I shot pistols competitively, and I don't think that implies that I should tell an illustrator of an 18th century duelist to use a modified Weaver stance.  Styles evolve and should fit the context of the image and try not to superimpose modern use and techniques upon them.

    In my opinion.

    Traditional Japanese archers at Kyoto.  Traditional Korean Grip. English Longbow Competition.

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    Post edited by Teofa on
  • HitManWAHitManWA Posts: 152
    Teofa and Knittingmommy, not overstepping at all. I recalled there being a few archers on the board so I knew I was safe bringing it up. I used a prepackaged pose then modified it. I used some online pics for reference but there was a lot of stuff to look at. I plan on change a few th I ngs w both pics tonight. Not entirely happy w the archer colors or lighting as well as the pose. The Down pic is actually a V4 skin on G2, I thought the legs helped it look gritty but now that someone else mentioned a rash that's been stuck in my head. Will be working it some more too. Thanks all for all the feedback.
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    HitManWA said:
    Teofa and Knittingmommy, not overstepping at all. I recalled there being a few archers on the board so I knew I was safe bringing it up. I used a prepackaged pose then modified it. I used some online pics for reference but there was a lot of stuff to look at. I plan on change a few th I ngs w both pics tonight. Not entirely happy w the archer colors or lighting as well as the pose. The Down pic is actually a V4 skin on G2, I thought the legs helped it look gritty but now that someone else mentioned a rash that's been stuck in my head. Will be working it some more too. Thanks all for all the feedback.

    Really?  My G2s go into convulsions when I try v4 and v5 skins.  How did you do that?


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited January 2016

    Okay at least right now you can SEE the scene lol.  Still need to work on the lighting and I am in the process of fixing the fireplace flames. Turning the coals off and going to turn the fire sideways so it looks like the flames are going the right way lol.  Have added a chaise and moved things around a bit . I will be adding a cat, or maybe a dog, or need to fill up the mantle as well. I haven't even touched the textures on anything yet. And I need to fix the skirt on her dress


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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HitManWAHitManWA Posts: 152
    edited January 2016

    Thanks guys, Teofa, there is a converter available for V4 to G2.

    Ever do antyhing that's fun yet, so maddening? :)

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  • Here's my latest two renders.


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  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited January 2016

    Hi all.  I've tended to avoid the New User threads, but... I can always learn something, so here I am braving the waters.

    Compostion is something I could sorely use some work on.  I labored over this for quite a while, and I'm still not happy with it.

    What do you think?

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  • HitManWAHitManWA Posts: 152
    edited January 2016

    Changed this one up a bit as well.

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  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Hitman, I love the green hair.  This one looks much better.

    Evilded777 it looks great. The only thing that bothers me a bit is that the blue light is right on top of his head and I think what's throwing it off my be too much blank dark space to the right.  But it might just be me.  And welcome!


    Shinji - moving the post helped a lot.  The lighting in the second one is too dark I can barely see the guys head.  The red one is better lit.

    Hitman I love this, the only thing really bothering me is that her outfit is too clean.  No scuff marks no dirt. I have no clue on how bows are held so I can't help there.

  • Hi all.  I've tended to avoid the New User threads, but... I can always learn something, so here I am braving the waters.

    Compostion is something I could sorely use some work on.  I labored over this for quite a while, and I'm still not happy with it.

    What do you think?

    I like the camera angle Evilded, though like Sonja said, there's too much dead space to the right of him. You've got a good start though.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    Hi all.  I've tended to avoid the New User threads, but... I can always learn something, so here I am braving the waters.

    Compostion is something I could sorely use some work on.  I labored over this for quite a while, and I'm still not happy with it.

    What do you think?

    There is ambiguity in the pose.  Is he leaning or moving.  If it were mine, I would go leaning, as he has a "waiting" feel in both gun pose and facial expression.  So, I would take the torso twist out and put his shoulder more or less on the same plane as the wall (and break the lineup with the window frame.or whatever that is).  I would drop his left shoulder down and give a nice left to right, top to bottom "flow".  Also would move the left arm back and put the hand in a more obvious rest position.   Twisting the torso a bit should also break the horizontal line up of gun and border.  I would maintain the head pose and direction of it.  To me, basically, the left arm, shoulder and hand are out of synch with the rest of the pose and no visible reason to be so.  I don't see a "dead space" issue.

    That's what I see.  Only an opinion.  It will be a great image.  Lighting, colors, the character, I like them all.  I like the basic composition.  There is just a small "thing" not right in the pose, to me.


    Post edited by Teofa on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    Here's my latest two renders.

    This will sound heartless but.. I would suggest you save and remove the entire set.  Leave your characters and compose and work on them.  Get them focused on each other and posed as good as you can in the type of composition you want.  They are the stars.  Remember this as you add things back in.  They are the stars. Anything you add that hides them, overpowers them, loses them needs to be toned down or gone.

    On a positive note, the second, brownish scene is substantially better, the best so far in spite of the darkness.  Still lots of distractions.

    Only my opinion.

    Post edited by Teofa on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016
    Teofa said:
    forum spaz.


    Post edited by Teofa on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited January 2016

    Thought I would go ahead and try a second one this month.  This one is on my laptop the other is on the pc.  I think she is too centered in this one although I am having trouble finding an angle that will not put the umbrella in the middle of the page.  I think I need to try rotating it a bit more.  Also need to work on some of the textures.  I am going to make her feet and shins dirty but will probably do it in postwork.  I mucked about with the geo shell and the transition is just too sharp.  By the time I make a texture that will gradually fade up her legs I can be done with it in photoshop lol.  Uncertain about the color of her dress as well. It was red but that was too bright and overwhelming.  But I need sometihng that contrasts with all the browns and yellows. Will be putting travel stickers on the suitcase as well to break up the monotany a bit.  maybe add a cocktail while she is waiting.  Need to change her eye make up as well I think.  Edited to add this is not the full render, I just let it go long enough to be able to get a good idea.  This is also Iray but I am using the Mars dome for the background and light.

    Last Stop.png
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    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    Thought I would go ahead and try a second one this month.  This one is on my laptop the other is on the pc.  I think she is too centered in this one although I am having trouble finding an angle that will not put the umbrella in the middle of the page.  I think I need to try rotating it a bit more.  Also need to work on some of the textures.  I am going to make her feet and shins dirty but will probably do it in postwork.  I mucked about with the geo shell and the transition is just too sharp.  By the time I make a texture that will gradually fade up her legs I can be done with it in photoshop lol.  Uncertain about the color of her dress as well. It was red but that was too bright and overwhelming.  But I need sometihng that contrasts with all the browns and yellows. Will be putting travel stickers on the suitcase as well to break up the monotany a bit.  maybe add a cocktail while she is waiting.  Need to change her eye make up as well I think.  Edited to add this is not the full render, I just let it go long enough to be able to get a good idea.  This is also Iray but I am using the Mars dome for the background and light.

    the umbrella support is thin.  Why not hide it and fake the umbrella as part of the side table, as it has a support pole.  Might have to fudge a bit.  Would give you a lot more rotation freedom. 

    Looks like one of Wilmap's hip dresses.  They kind of hate sitting poses.


    Post edited by Teofa on
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    As I am at the point of tweaking this to destruction I'm going to leave it be a while.  I did bring up visibility on the muzzle, looks like as far as I can go without gimmickry. I don't enter these contests anyway, just like the commentary, when there is any.

    "Nothing Personal"

    Daz 4.6 Pro. Limited postwork in Corel.

    Nothing Personal 2.jpg
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  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016

    And because it has come up before, use of "dead" space, negative space, is also a composition tool.  You do not have to have an image full of subjects or something at every grid POI intersect.

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  • "Here's To Us"

    Inspired by the Halestorm song. Iray render (I still haven't quite figured out Iray lighting). Tankard and frame were modeled in Carrara. Postwork in Photoshop.

    Heres To Us.png
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  • Shinji - moving the post helped a lot.  The lighting in the second one is too dark I can barely see the guys head.  The red one is better lit.

    Thanks for your input Sonja, here's version 4 hot out of the renderer. (Leteraly it just ended about a minute or two ago.)

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  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited January 2016

    I agreed about the negative space, there was a little too much... I kept it, but broke it up a little by reframing the shot with the light at the top of the space to the right.

    I also felt there was something wrong with the left arm.  I reposed it, but took a different approach with the hand because I wanted to move away from ambiguity and give a more aggressive cast.  I could probably change the expression a bit.

    Tweaked materials because they really needed it, but that's my point of over concentration... I need to spend less time with technical aspects that absorb me and spend more time on composition, color, mood...

    This is M4, BTW... everything in this piece is older content. A lot of older stuff still looks pretty good if you give it the attention it needs.

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  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited January 2016


    There is so much nice older V4 M4 stuff.  I like messing with them because they are worth it, generally have interesting textures instead of mixers. Textures are fun to play with.

    The small changes you did made a lot of difference.  I see now he is aggressively in wait with a purpose.  Also clear now he is on an a tilted set with that camera angle, which helps to explain his angle, not clear before.


    Post edited by Teofa on
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