Lully promotion not working

Buy any item by Lully, and choose up to 3 items from your
Wishlist prior to 4/8 for 70% off* each.
*Items must be simultaneously in cart for discount to apply.
Cannot be used to discount items already owned.
discount does not stack with other offers.
Items must have been in your Wishlist prior to 4/8
I have met these rules. Chose a Lully item and placed it in my cart. Chose 3 items from my wishlist, placed them in my cart. Each item has been in my wishlist for months. There is nothing saying Lully item needs to be a certen price for promotion to take affect. Not stacked with other promotions. I don't own any of the items prior to this purches.
Any help will be appreciated.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
What exactly is in your cart? I just tried a quick test and it seemed to work correctly.
Moved to the Commons as it is not a Daz Studio topic.
That happened to me with one item, worked with others.
Edit: It doesn't work with the wallpaper shaders:
My guess would be that it doesn't work with items marked "new", even if it was not listed as a restriction. 70% off offers like this usually don't apply to new items.
It works in my test cart with a New item from my wishlist. Even if the cart has only the WL item and the Lully item.
For what it's worth, those shaders appear to have been removed from the store. The link leads to an oops page; I also tried coming from an outside search, just in case there was a typo in the URL, and they're definitely not there.
The Lully promo worked just fine for me earlier today. The only restriction was that when I tried putting in something that had been added to the wish list in the past week, that failed.
Link for the Aesthetic shaders:
This is the Lully item
These are the items from my wish list
Looking at the price history they were all available last month.
I don't have those in my wishlist, but the lully item works to trigger the 70% discount on a new item from my wishlist. Do all of the WL items fail if you try them separately?
Okey I found out what is going on. When I placed the items in my cart I did what I always do. I opened the link to the item, clicked on the wishlist heart before moving item to the cart. This obviously removes the item from the wishlist so it doesn't registar as coming from my wishlist. And putting it back in the wishlist doesn't help because they are now new to the wishlist and don't qualify. Don't suppose there is any way I can get help with that?
You could open a support ticket. In general there is no need to remove the item - if you buy it it will be removed automatically.
you learn something new every day!! I haven't ever checked if things got removed or not... did wonder though!
As a side note about wishlist items, sometimes the cart will get a glitch, and won't let you add to the wishlist from the cart (when its in the cart and there's a heart, or an x) and you need to remove from your cart to the wishlist, it doesn't always work- it'll be stuck in the cart AND the wishlist and won't leave the cart despite using the heart AND the x, it just refreshes back in the cart. In that case, I found that the only way to move it back out of the cart is to remove it from the wishlist, and then go back to the cart and add to wishlist again, and only then will it leave the cart.
i've never minded doing that before, but it could explain a couple wishlist sale snafus perhaps.
I have never come across that glitch before. My habit stems from years old doing this. Years ago if you just moved the item to your cart it could take days before it would be removed from the wish list. And that just disturbed my sense of order and neatness, so I got in the habit of removing them from the list first.