Genesis 9 LIE Makeup Scripts Do Not Work [SOLVED]

There are several products for the Genesis 9 figures that use scripts to apply LIE makeup for eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, and lipstick. I have tried several different products with several different figures and not a single one of the scripts for the eyeliner, eyeshadow, and blush apply the makeup correctly. Lipsticks do appear to mostly work, other than the Olympia 9 set (although the example I've included from Sublime and Grime doesn't match the picture of what it's supposed to look like; I assume lighting is too blame but I'm not going to test it further).
The products tested include:
The Olympia 9 set has its own thing going on that turns the entire face white, even the lipstick script.
In order to run the script, I select the character in the scene tab. I've tried selecting the eyes instead of the face which gives a "no material groups detected" message. I've tried selecting the head in the surfaces tab--that doesn't change the outcome of the script.
I assume I'm doing something wrong or these products wouldn't be on the store. But it would be nice if they came with instructions. I've been using Daz for two years but I can't figure out how to use these "single-click" products.

Comments seems to work for me - apply the script, then apply presets to change the look of the areas.
What presets? All I have are buttons for scripts.
Sorry, I saw one Materials preset and carelessly read it as base scripts plus presets. In any event, the product does seem to work for me - oncer rendered, at least.
I've made a video showing how the scripts don't work for me. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look and let me know what the issue is. The scripts seem to be very inconsistent with whether or not they do what they are supposed to.
Pls DO NOT apply LIE preset script with Iray Preview... apply scripts first, then preview...
Thank you Crosswind! That solved the problem.
It would be really nice if these assets came with some simple instructions. I burned an hour on this problem. The PA's should assume that less experienced users won't know about rules like this.
Also today I burned 30 minutes trying to figure out how to use the new omni shader. I didn't realize I had to select the child node, not the parent asset, before using the shader. These types of aggravations could be avoided with some very simple instructions provided with the purchase of these assets. Everything is advertised as one-click, but then inexperienced users like me get frustrated trying to figure out how to do the one-click properly. Honestly, there have been several assets I've purchased and then given up on using because I just didn't feel like dealing with the frustration of trying to figure out how to use them.
No problem ~ I myself ever experienced the similar things when I started playing with DS... Learning takes time. Pls feel free to post the issue you have in here, we're glad to help if we can.
This issue comes from DS itself... DS should refresh drawing in Viewport with Iray Preview after all Surface layers / LIE layers as well as undo stack are fully updated. Hope the issue can be fixed in the future...