How to stop daz to navigate while typing on filter?

How to stop daz to navigate while typing on filter?
Example: I was typing on pose panel to filter morph.
While I was typing the name of the morph, the viewport navigate away, cos I type letter R E S, etc.
How to prevent this, cos it's annoying.
Edit>View>Keyboard Navigation to turn the keyboartd control off (default shortcut shift K). But that will not help with typing the actual filter - at least with this version of the Qt application framework you need to stop the mouse passing over a UI element that responds to mouse-over events as that takes focus out of the text box.
Make sure the "input cursor" is blinking in the filter field before typing anything there. And better always switch off Keyboard Navigation if you don't really want to use it (Shift + K). It'll be very annoying if you accidentally navigate... as keyboard navigation cannot be undone (not on undo stack).
Hi, everyone,
quote: "stop the mouse passing over a UI element that responds to mouse-over events as that takes focus out of the text box." Does that seem like a necessary function or just something that could be programmed more user friendly? Like when in scene mode or content mode, after selecting the text box you can mouse over anywhere in all that data and not lose the text box focus. Doing most of my text box search in the parameter tab and being right handed, I click the text box with the mouse (in my right hand) then let go of the mouse to type ( hunt & peck ) the text. The mouse typically will slide and the focus is gone from the text box. The best workaround has been to always keep my right hand on the mouse and hunt and peck the text with my left hand. I still lose the text box sometimes, and it just seems like an unnecessary chore. I have most of the tabs visable, vertically, all at once on a separate monitor in portrait mode. Confirming the prevalence of the quote, if the text box was selected even in the scene tab or the content tab, mousing over the parameter tab would cancel it. On a happier note, complaint over,
/ peace
Yes, I have a corded mouse and as with you it frequently moves over a sldier when I release it to start typing.
Hi, Richard, thanks for the reply, "misery loves company"
I know nothing about the problems of programing a UI. Do you think fixing this issue is a resonable feature request? Thanks / peace
I beleive it may be addressable in DS5 (or whatever the next major version is called) with the updated Qt - but don't take that as a promise.
Thanks Richard, that's encouraging - I'll add it to the product suggestions, asuming that's where the request should go.
/ peace
Formal feature requests go in a ticket, but this is a known issue/limitation so I would imagine it has already been considered - though I don't know what the conclusion might have been.
Thanks Richard. / peace