Uninstalling Content without Uninstaller?

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That's A good one. The only way I can think of to be SURE the item is fully uninstalled would be to Reset the old file and install it with the option of an uninstaller and then uninstall. I have NO idea how to do that with items that have been Updated.
I personally have Backups of all my Content burned to DVD (Double DVD's to be safe) then I can just install and Uninstall.
Reading this over, it's really not much help is it? Sorry, I did try to help.
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If you run the SAME installer it will only Over write, it is safe to do. I use that method to uninstall my stuff when needed.
This will only work if you did not MOVE the files for organization as some people do. If your items are still in the default folders with the default paths you can do the Install uninstall dance with out a worry.
I hope this helps.
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Also the the fact the content is in My Library will not matter as long as you point the installer to the proper content folder. The paths are relitive as long as you install to the same folder you will be fine. Overwritting is default.
OPPS!! You beat me. Glad to hear I helped.
Just one more tip: Remember that some items will need both the Poser install and the DS install to get both uninstallers for the item.
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