Strand based hair on Genesis 8.x

Has anyone had success in using G9 strand based hair on G8 using autofit clones or something else? I'd like to try some of the new styles, but I'm not going to upgrade to G9. I have my reasons :)
Post edited by AndrewJJP on
I haven't tried it since I am working with G9 mostly, but I wouldn't think it would do well consider the nature of strand based hair. Have you tried parenting it?
Thanks, no I haven't tried. I haven't actually bought any. I was wondering if anyone had tried it before I spent any money.
You can't autofit SBH, as it has a cap, and then the hair parented to the cap.
You can autofit the cap, but will then mess up the SBH.
I have seen a process where you can do it but requires several steps to do.
I just matches the head and then parent it - no matter if G8 to G9 or G9 to G8 or whatever.
Thanks very much!
I will see if I have any SBH on G8, then have a try at going the other way, or maybe onto a G3.
Are you saying make the hair cap fit G8 then parent the hair to that?
You can say I manually fit the hair cap to the head, as in changing height, and scale on the relevant axis, and then parent the hair to the head. If you hide the SBH while manually fitting it, it is fairly easy, usually done in "Wire Texture Shaded" viewport mode.
What I do requires a G8 to G9 pose converter.
I load the G8/G8.1 zeroed.
Then I load the G9 devload, and match the shape proportions to G8/G8.1
Next, I parent G9 to G8/G8.1 and make it invisible.
Then I load the G9 hair to the invisible G9
When I pose G8/G8.1 manully, I save the pose.
The you apply the saved pose to the invisible G9 and apply the pose converter.
In case the hair isn't 100% in place you can move the invisible G9 until it fits.