Can't Find Resource Error

I submitted a help desk ticket two weeks ago and haven't reveived a reply so I'm hoping people here can help.
I updated my DIM and Daz Studio 4.22 (the +4.5 doesn't show in my DIM and even the help desk couldn't help me so I'm stuck with 4.22) through my DIM two weeks ago. Now I cannot access any new downloads. Not one. Products show as downloaded in DIM, but do not show in the Smart Content in Daz Studio. I've tried openning the models straight from DIM and it gives me a "Can't Find Resource" error with a unique number identifier depending on which model I tried to open. I've checked and the downloads are in the correct folder as far as I can tell.
I bought wishlist items during the recent march Madness sales, models I've wanted since they first published, a few specifically for 3D printing, and I can't use any of them. I'm crushed.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?
First thing, 4.22 (more specifically is the latest version of DS. Version numbers are not decimal numbers, 4.22 means "minor version 22 of DS4" and is more recent than 4.5 (minor version 5 of DS4) which was released many many years ago.
You say you can't find your files in Smart Content, but can you find them in Content library tab?
That's a relief! The last time I had an error the technician blamed it on me having 4.22 (before the 0.16 update), saying 4.5 was the most recent, and I wasted a lot of back and forth trying to convience him I couldn't access 4.5 because it doesn't show in my DIM. He ended up stuck on that point so I ended up deleting and redownloading Daz and DIM to fix the issue. I'd rather not do that again. It takes a lot to re-install everything.
New downloads don't show in my content library either. Only DIM shows them as downloaded. I can find them when I follow the DIM link to their save location and it's the correct file path and drive, same as all previous downloads. I can only use content I downloaded before the recent update.
You say it shows them as downloaded, but did it actually install them?
DIM says "Installed", is there another spot I can check to confirm it?
What do you see if you select "show installed files" in DIM? (in the "..." menu for the installed file) Were the files actually installed where you expected them to be?
Yes. I see this [attached image 1] and verified it manually by following the file save path. Everything shows in my library saved files with previous downloads. But if I try to access it using DIM (since it doesn't show in a key word search in the Smart Content) to open it directly in Daz Studio it shows an error code [attatched image 2.]
Which library are DIM installing to, and which libraries have you defined in Daz Studio?
That is apparntly symptomatic of not having a database entry for the product, possibly because PostgreSQL was not running when it was installed. On potential cause is closing DS and immedaitely opening DIM, which can lead to the shut down signal from DS blocking the start signal from DIM. Try running DIM after DS has closed, or don't close DS at all, then reinstall the product.