Need help finding cyclorama in 4.8 and other stuff

Can someone please tell me where oh where the cyclorama has gone? I used it in earlier versions without trouble but now cannot find it.
Question number two is why do clothes on V4 not transfer to Bryce 7 with the other props and textures? A well clothed lady in the scene
pane becomes a nude fright in Bryce.
Did you have the Cyclorama as a product, or just included with the free content? I'm not sure that the current free content includes it - if not, and if you didn't back up the old starter contnent packs, you may be out of luck.
How do I start/initiate/use the cyclorama in vers.4.8? Why does everything in a scene migrate to Bryce 7 except the clothes on V4.2?
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