Trying to fix skirt distortion but having trouble

Attached is a screenshot of a skirt, originally designed for Genesis 8/8.1 that I fitted to a G9 character. I brought it into Blender to try and smooth out the distortion near the groin area, but while I was able to smooth the underskirt surface, I could not get the smooth tool to do anything on the main problem. Is this mesh just so messed up that I need to something else with it first (or instead)?

640 x 480 - 66K
Post edited by echristopherclark on
Oh man, like 10 seconds after posting this, I figured out I was doing something wrong in Blender. I just need to learn that program better. Sorry for taking up space here.
Or not? I don't know. It still looks super weird in that region, even after figuring out how to smooth it.
that looks like inverted polyies or the inside polyies are pulled through the front. What does the wireframe or mesh look like in those areas?
Does this help?
One more. I found the "face orientation" option in Blender and it seems like everything is facing the right way?
Maybe you should move your thread to the Blender forum to get more Blender specific help.
Done. Thanks for the suggestion.
In the skirt geometry you can see blue lines, those are hard edges new in blender 4.1, that were probably imported with some autosmooth in blender. You can use "edge > clear sharp" in edit mode to get rid of them, since the smooth tool won't do it for you.
Thanks, Padone. I'll give that a try.
It's been a few days since this was posted and you may have already gotten this answered on the blender forum, but I have your answer. The cyan-colored edges on your model are "hard edges".Hard edges maintain their sharpness when smooth shading is turned on. To remove the hard edges, follow these steps:
Select the skirt and go into Edit Mode>turn on edge selection > press Shift while selecting all of the cyan edges (the selected cyan edges turn a whiter cyan when selected) > click "Edge" dropdown > click "Clear Sharp" > the cyan edges now turn orange (with the last selected edge turning white) > your model is now entirely smooth.
Above "Clear Sharp" is "Mark Sharp," which adds the cyan sharp edges to objects. Sometimes when importing an object into blender, sharp edges on the model appear. I'm not entirely sure why, but it might have to do with exporting from the one 3D software to another. It doesn't happen all the time, but if it does, the sharp objects happen in strange places (such as on random parts of a character's face). Its best practice to check models for things such as face orientation, sharp edges, loose geometry (random vertices floating around), and do a limited dissolve (merge overlapping/identical faces) when you import models. (To delete loose edges: Mesh > Clean Up > Delete Loose. To do Limited Dissolve: Mesh > Clean Up > Merge by Distance.) I hope your skirt project has been going well.
The closer G8F's skirt was made to the crotch area, the more chance you'll get that "triangulated distortion" projected from G9's body shape (crotch shape) after auto-fitting...
The best and quickest way to fix the distortion is to use Smooth Brush with Sculpt mode, as well as Flat / Grab brushes etc. to finetune the details as needed. Then import OBJ file back to the skirt as a fix morph with Morph Loader Pro, or directly update the base geometry of the skirt with OBJ file.
Thanks for the tips here. I've kinda had to forget about this for a while in order to work on another project, but I'm hoping to try some of these solutions soon.