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The smart thing would be to go to Rendo and have everyone download "ALL" their products so if they do go away which is very unlikely, they know they have it backed up. They once told me that they are only required to give you the ability to download it once. It is the user's responsibility to save and back it up. Wisley, it's always recommended to back up every purchase you make. External drives are very inexpensive and hold a lot of files. It takes quite some time to fill up even a 1 TB drive, but that depends if you're a power shopper.
I'm sure there are plenty of people here alone on Daz purchases that could fill 16TB drive(s)
All that applies to Daz or any other store selling downloadable products, too. Don't assume stores will exist "forever" or nor change their access policies.
Do we know if the new transfers will eventually have their entire stores come over? I am suprised by some being characterized as new given that they have been selling here and elsewhere for a while.
I see that devianttuna13 has joined here as well.
I wish Dzheng would join here, too. Would be more convenient for me.
I certainly hope so! Several of them have awesome Genesis 3 products that I still have wishlisted over there, and Genesis 3 is still my favourite figure generation.
Me too. I have been waiting on pins and needles to see if s/he shows up here. Daz would be stupid not to make the offer. The products are awesome, but with so many for male figures . . .
I downloaded everything I had purchased from Hivewire just before they closed. And I am glad I did because not everything moved to Rendo. But last night I was installing one of Ken Galliland's Moths and realized I had an 'add-on' and made a note to check Rendo first thing this morning as I had bought some of his items there too. Lucky for me, I had bought the base in 2021 from Rendo, and I had just downloaded the zip files when the store went 'poof!'. I had a very frustrating time waiting to download the rest of that day's order so I could install it this morning.
Color Galeria
Already quite cumbersome for me personally, based on my Rendo library, and I'm wondering if we're in for another batch this week. I understand the artists' desire to expand their potential market, but I find the situation irksome enough that I've decided not to purchase any of their products for the present and immediate future (with the exception of some collabs like Slumber Fun).
For a potential solution (of sorts) that wouldn't require any contractual negotiations between companies, perhaps Daz could add a "hide product" feature to the store and make it capable of reading a downloaded Rendo CSV file to auto-populate?
PaMaWo arrived before the Welcome series began. Not too lazy to look - He arrived 2/19, no others at that time that I can see.
I suppose we should qualify Arrival from Rendo as meaning vendor (usually already a Daz PA) brings over products from Rendo, mostly unmodified - PaMaWo modified his offerings for G9 and later arrivals mostly didn't, at least as far as I can tell. Also those New Arrivals still have active Rendo stores, not all products came over, and not sure why some products made the jump and others didn't.
As it stands, there are now some Daz products that are add-ons for products that are sold only at Rendo. There are a few products that are currently for sale at both stores, too. I suppose it's just down to human error and the amount of stuff being moved around.
I don't think Rendo is in any special danger of closing. Staff changes happen. Vendors move around. They seem to still have a lot of good and new vendors. Some weird stuff happened - Blackhearted disappeared. IDK. No inside track on them.
I back up all my purchases on more than one drive. It's a very good idea!
I've written a small (free) utility (Windows) that makes it easier to check for DAZ/Renderosity duplicates, if anyone care to give it a test run. It uses an algorithm that translates the product names into store links, it basically seems to work OK with the new vendors but it needs some more testing.
Apparently DAZ doesn't seem to use a consistent algorithm to convert product names into store links, or they have changed the algorithm over the years (store links seem to be hardcoded, not dynamically generated, so if product name changes, it no longer matches the original algorithm that created the link).
It does look though as if they are using a specific algorithm for the new vendors so I'm trying to fine tune the one the program is using, to match it. So if you try the program please report any products from these vendors (copy Product Name and DAZ URL in the program) where you can see that they fail. E.g. product shows in browser, but no "PURCHASED AT RENDEROSITY" warning. Or you get the "Ooops" page despite you have purchased the product at Renderosity.
When using Vendor Name search use lower case only and omit special characters, e.g, for "-Valkyrie-" just use "valkyrie", or for "~Wolfie~" use "wolfie", etc.. Empty Vendor Search field (with no spaces) will list all products.
Click on a product on the list, or use the up/down arrow keys to browse the list (Auto Check must be enabled here). You can also (Auto Check must be disabled here) right click on product icons in the store, select "Copy Link", and then double-click on the DAZ URL field to paste the link into the field. Then click the corresponding "Check" box, if you've already purchased the product at Renderosity it should now find it if it's currently on the list (use full list if you browse different vendors).
If you log in with the built-in browser you can also see if you accidently have purchased a product you've already purchased at Renderosity. If may work faster though not being logged in, haven't really tested that.
Can be downloaded here:
While Sabby has always been here, they have brought some of their Renderosity only products here as well. The new ones are tagged JASA or Jadyn - Sabby and there are quite a few of them.
If anyone should be using the first version, there is an update fixing some issues, however one of those issues is "Check for Updates on Program Start" not working if enabled, so in order to update you must use manual update check (Help > Check for Updates).
Would love Dzheng and Truform to both migrate here
With Daz sales you'll likely find Gen9 items cheaper in the future than at initial release. There's also an auto-clone product so you can use G9 things on your G8 figures.
But I totally feel where you are at- I hopped on Daz during the V4/M4 generation and had invested heavily in those figures. Then the initial Genesis released and I was irritated, but kept with V4/M4 while I considered if I wanted to buy into Genesis or not... then G2 released and I threw my hands up and walked away for a good number of years. There's a gap in my purchase history from 2012 on to about 2017.
My recommendation would be to keep using the figures you already have, focus on those and just pick up G9 items at a discount when you see a must-have. Don't start over, just ease into G9 gently and stay focused where you are. There are a few G3 figures that still look great next to a G8 and the G9 figures visually mesh with the G8's pretty well. I've got a few renders with all three generations visible and looking good together.
Hoping for Coflek-Gnorg, their "colony" series is awesome and the primary sci-fi base set I use. Hint hint at Daz, if you aren't already approaching them! :)
Calling Vyktohria a "welcome" is a bit of a stretch. Vyktohria has been a very active PA here for a long time! Look at the header on her page. Daz doesn't do that for everyone! And of course, some of the products I would like to see here have simply not made the jump. So I'll still have to buy them at Rendo, if I finally decide to do that. And I'll also have to check to make sure I'm not double-buying anything. But she does fit the parameters of all "welcome" vendors. These have published or at least worked on Daz products, have Rendo stores, and have now brought products from their rendo stores to Daz. So, that's that.
I hope so - it makes me think Rendo might have some chance of surviving after all. Several personal favorites - some of their best artists imo - seem to have been retained for the moment.
Apologies for necro-ing this thread, but this is just a quick heads-up that another item has been moved over from Renderosity. I recognised Vyktoria's Bermuda (, which is listed today as a new release, as previously being sold there. However, unlike the majority of the items that were moved over last month, the description has been updated and formatted in the typical Daz style, and has a valid product Read Me file, so might also have been updated with Smart Content.
(Also, my first post after lurking the forums for several months so, hello!)
Pretty much we are paying for the DIM support, i.e. the ".dsx" file in the InstallManger downloads directory. It is pretty valuable; I use Content Wizard to make them for Rendero* released products which don't have them and it is really tedious.
I bought a product [TX Madison for G9/8/8.1 Premium Bundle] that can not be used as Smart Content and I sent a ticket asking whether the product will be updated to become Smart Content-able, but so far there is no reply.
@Vexillus the product should be completely Smart Content capable but you will need to add the metadata yourself from scratch. Because she is usable on 3 base characters, G9, G8.1, and G8 you will need to link the morphs/materials to each base character in turn. If you have done this before you should have no issues, it is just tedious. But after you are done, she will show up in Morphs and Materials. I didn't see a character preset listed.
Earlier in this thread I linked to a YouTube video on how to load metadata if you haven't done this before. This video helped me learn metadata years ago.
I also came upon this thread (, where someone got a reply from support suggesting that the metadata issue would possibly be sorted at source. I certainly hope that that would be the case and if there are any further developments or information about this, I would like to know!
@Vexillus A less cumbersome option (and my longtime personal preference) for accessing items is Content Library > Products > 0-Z. Instead of opening the Content Library and clicking on the Daz folder, look 2 or 3 folders down, and you will find a folder called "Products." Click on it, and a Numero-alphabetic set of folders will open. Click on the first numeral/letter of your desired product and scroll to its appropriate alphabetic place. Initial articles ("the" and "a") are disregarded, and products sporting them are alphabetized according to the next letter afterwards. With the exception of 2 or 3 products, the thousands of products I have purchased here I've found exactly where I'd expect them to be in the Products folder. Bon chance!
Thanks for your duplicate checking utility Rich; works like a champ!! Happy your Daz database is back in order _AND_ I can't wait for both the new Rendo version and ultimately, the "ULTIMATE 3D CONTENT DATABASE"! I appreciate all the time and effort you've put into these products!!! - Ray
You're welcome, glad you find them useful!