LaMH is Crashing Daz Studio

Well, I've used LaMH in the past, but now it appears to be bugging out on me. I had a file with the MilDog with the wolf morph and added the LaMH fur for it. I've done this before and it worked fine, although I had to bump up the hair count as the default count makes the dog look like it's fur has mange or something. But after doing this on this new project, the file began crashing DS. If I turn off the LaMH plugin, the file opesn without crashing, so I deleted the LaMH fur object. Then I turned on the LaMH plugin, restarted DS normally, and then tried to add the fur back... DS crashes.
Has something changed in DS to keep LaMH from being stable? I've uninstalled and re-installed the LaMH from DIM and that didn't make a difference. Now, when I click the button to add a LaMH preset, all of DS crashes.
I have a MacBook Pro with El Capitan (Mac OS 10.11.2) with 16GB of RAM. I've tried it with 4.8 and 4.9 Beta. Both behave the same way.
If you hardly ever came upon this bug you are lucky. I have not been so. My frustration with this product was so much I blew up on the forums. After all this time and no fix. It has been years.
I'm not sure if this helps, but I had an issue where adding LAMH fur to a scene would crash DS when the scene was opened, and the final workaround was to simply avoid saving the scene with the LAMH applied (luckily I had a backup prior to adding it). I completed the scene up to that point and saved it, then right before rendering I would use the "Attach LAMH Preset" button and adjust any settings and render to get the completed render, then exit without saving so as to not break the scene file. A bit kludgy and would be labor intensive if you were making a lot of changes, but luckily not too hard in my case.
It's been a while, but I think in my case the scene worked with one Mil big cat in it, but the problem happened when I added a second one... but I've not used it a lot so I don't know if that's just coincidence or if multiple critters triggers the problem.
Yeah, that's what I do when I use LAMH. I've had it crash so bad it corrupted file saves, which has been a big problem.
Fingers crossed for an update some year.