Copy Selected Surfaces

Is there some trick to getting this to work. Almost all the time when I try, nothing happens. Occassionally I can get it to work. I have even tried going back to the same model that I got it to work on and it won't work. I'm mystified.
i think the copy selected surfaces work on "selected" surfaces and must be compatible to where you paste it!
the best way is to check the 'face' or 'torso' of the character in the surface section and try to find in search,,
How exactly are you trying to copy-paste? There are a couple of apparently obvious ways to do it that aren't actually the right way — it took me a couple of tries to get it right when I was starting out.
Another gotcha is that the copy-paste only works for parameter dial values, it doesn't affect shaders. If the two surfaces have different shaders, which means different parameter dials, the missing dials in the paste surface will be ignored. If the two are different, make sure you apply the base shader of the first surface to the second surface before pasting.
If you're not sure of the surface shaders, look at the top of the Surfaces tab while you have each surface selected.
be clear,
the "copy/paste" option on character is not the same wih COPY SELECTED SURFACES
more usefull is to go in te "SURFACES TABS" and select FACE > copy parameter > select another character > PASTE to face to see the action
also be sure your two character is compatible UV, or nothing happend!
If you want to convert M4 textures to work on Genesis 2 using that product in the store, you are suppose to apply the body texture to all three parts, but sometimes it doesn't apply. So then I try the Copy to Selected Surfaces. I think that is what it is called. I go to the surface tab and right click and there is a link and then I go to the seam guide and or the hips and then paste. Some times it works but a lot of times it doesn't.
Plus there are some textures that only have a preset that loads the character AND applies the texture together. Some have a preset that will just apply the texture only.
Maybe one surface texture is iray and the other is not. The one has metalical on a lot of blue squares on the parameters and the other is mostly white with the drop down that has plastic, skin, etc. Maybe that's why it doesn't copy?
the shader that the surface uses is listed at the top of the surfaces pane when the object is selected. So no you cannot copy and paste an Iray Shader on to a DS Default Shader etc etc.
M4 textures to G2M requires that the materials be in .duf format - there's no need to copy/paste, just File>Save as?Materials Preset with the textures applied to Michael 4 or Genesis, then apply that preset to G2M.
Actually, it would work — but the UV setting would be wrong, so you would need to do a second stage of manually adjusting the UVMap parameter after pasting.
Thanks. Until two days ago, I didn't really know the difference between the shaders. Or why some had more parameters than others. Now I know how to convert to iray or those uber shaders, so this has been a useful experience.