Why is my guy melting?
I thought I might have accidentally applied the dForce Weight Modifier to the character instead of the clothes but I searched the Scene Pane for "Weight" and nothing comes up. I actually really like this character but I can't use him if he acts this way. Does anyone know if I can fix this or if I have to just scrap him and be more careful next time?

1669 x 2160 - 294K
Looks more like a morph applied that hasn't had its bones adjusted to match, or soemthing messing with the bones on its own. Does the issue go away if you use Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figure Shape?
Gave that a spin and nope, he still turns into a horror show :P
How about if you seelct teh figure and then go to the Parameters pane and under display turn on Show Bones - do they seem to line up, especially in the head?