MDL Displacement brick

I'd really like to modify displacement in shader, but... absolutely nothing seems to pipe into the Displacement Strength input. It seems like it SHOULD be able to accept any Mono image output... but... no.


Any ideas?



  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

    I don't have any of my materials in front of me, but I believe you need to convert color maps to luminance values. Once you've done that, I believe you can use it as displacement. 

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    I also need to figure this out, need it for my snow material.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Not sure I understand the problem. Iray Uber shows how Displacement Strength can take a map. The output pipes to Displacement Strength Map.  Or are you saying you've done, but you don't get the expected result when you apply a grayscale image?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Displacement Strength Map won't accept output from anything other than the user parameter. I've tried just about every other output, plus Perlin Noise, and other things... just, nope, cannot connect.

    If I try to pipe, say, Perlin noise to the Geometry brick as Displacement, it does... bupkis. No displacement.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    And WOW Shader Mixer could use a Brick Search function. And wow, is there really no f'in documentation saying 'X brick does Y'? Sheesh.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Oh hey, Perlin Bump Noise actually outputs something displacable! Woot!


    Now to figure out how to sew it together...

  • And WOW Shader Mixer could use a Brick Search function. And wow, is there really no f'in documentation saying 'X brick does Y'? Sheesh.


    There is. It's just from NVIDIA.

    (No search that I know of, but you can set the language filter to MDL to get rid of the 3Delight bricks at least.)

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    If you are using the Iray Uber MDL, keep in mind that there are conditional statements throughout it that "shut off" shader features to prevent them from over-complicating the rendering process. Example: For displacements, you can see there is a boolean (true/false, or on/off) value associated with the Material_Add_Geometry brick, and that for displacement to occur, the displacement enable flag must be set true. This type of thing is ordinarily done by modifying some user-facing input node in the shader, such as applying a texture to the displacement channel. Only when that's done will the displacement effect take place.

    Texture inputs automaically apply other values that might be needed, such as texture coordinates, which come from the surface tiling brick. If you're using an arbitrary source for the displacement, there's no telling how that will interact with the tiling, which in turn controls the displacement mapping and finally the procedural geometry.

    An example of the shader and MDL you're using would be useful.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Agent: Those documents are... very limited.


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 2015

    This help?

    Click on the headlines to get the pages.


    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    Not really, but I'm getting some potentially useful results. Displacement works rather differently than the other bricks.
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