Need help transfering runtime to another drive..

MoogeeMoogee Posts: 31

Hello Folks

As my hard drive is filling up I want to be able to transfer my runtime over to an external storage (a 560 GB SD card) so I can free up space on my PC. Can anyone recomend tutorials or point me in the right direction of forum threads so I can do it without messing everything up. Also I have noticed that there are duplicate studio files on my PC: whats the best way of deleting them without screwing up the runtime?

Many thanks,



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,479

    If you just want to move the content simply move the contents of the Content Directory across (e.g. everything in the My Daz 3D Library) to a new folder on the external drive, then in Daz Studio right-click on Daz Studio Formats in the Content Library pane, Add New Base Directory, and seelct the folder to which you moved everything (that is, you want the folder that contains the runtiem and Daat folders, among others). Whether you need to do anything else depends on how you install your content.

    What duplicate files are you seeing, and in which pane in Daz Studio do they appear?

  • MoogeeMoogee Posts: 31

    Hello Richard, 

    Thanks for the info. I installed Studio using it default installation. So in my documents there is a folder called My Library that contains stuff I've loaded from other venders.

    There is also a folder in documents Daz 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library

    and a folder C/Users/Public Documents/My Daz 3Dlibrary - these are the two main content folders I want to move to an exteral drive as they are taking up some much space.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,479

    Go to Edit>Preferences, then the Content tab there, and click Content Directory Manager. Select the Daz Connect Data Directory entry and click the Edit button to change it to the folder you wish to use instead of documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library. The My Daz 3D Library you can just copy across and tell DS wheer is is as in my previous post, but you will also need to click the gear icon in DIM for Advanced Settings and update the destination path in the Instalaltion tab. In order for updates/uninstalls to work you will either need to reinstall (easy if you get the zips, just select them in the Installed tab and right-click to use the reisntall Using current directories option) or edit the Manifest files directly to show the new location.

  • MoogeeMoogee Posts: 31

    Thank you Richard. yes

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