Cartoon rendering and problems with upgrading to 4.5?

I've been learning Daz Studio for about 10 days now and I'm getting the hang of it....
I wanted to do cartoon/comic type renders so that's a whole new skill set...and a bit more kit.
Anyway, I upgraded to 4.5 and, before I did so (just to be on the safe side) I copied my library to my desktop and then dragged it back and merged it after the 4.5 install....
The renders for my toons are much, much better and so much faster - Is that an effect of the upgrade?
When I clothe my character, though, I don't see the clothing in the viewport - although when I render, the clothes are there...and fitted????
Also...I think because I merged my library - I am getting the odd error message telling me there are duplicate ID's - I'm guessing I probably need to go through all my content libraries and remove/delete any duplicates????
Any help on Cartoon rendering would be very gratefully received...especially with lighting - as this does seem to adversely affect the renders for cartoon shaders - I have and have tried PWToon; Some free celshaders (forgotten who did them) and the Daz defaults - which, IMHO are the best ones :)
The render engine is a little faster, and a lot of people have noticed that. The version of the 3Delight renderer was changed for the 4.5 update.
The Dupicate IDs issue is known about, and the way to fix it is to redownload the latest version of the item causing the problem. There is also a script that Richard has provided which can help with the Duplicate IDs as well. I am not sure how it works, but it provides a fix for many of them.
Not seeing the clothing items in the Viewport is a bit worrying. Does this happen with all of them, or only particular ones? Can you give an example that I can test?
Toon rendering is something that I do not do very often, so I will leave it up to someone else to help you there.
Thanks Jimmy...I will look for the script for the duo ID's issue and try and get that sorted...
Re: the chance I find that using Perspective View I see all the props (clothes, hair etc)'s only in Camera View that I don't see them?!? Maybe it's a camera setting, then - I will have a little playa round with it...
Ok....problem solved - I had the DOP settings on....without thinking about what I was doing :) Figure now has clothes and hair visible :)