Auto-fit issue

I've tried to find an answer for this and failed, so apologies if it's a repetitive thing. But I'm still using 4th gen figures because of this issue, and as vendors gradually stop creating stuff for those figures, it's probably time I stop procrastinating and sort it out. I think I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it.
The issue is that when I try to auto-fit clothing/hair etc to a Genesis 2 or Genesis 3 figure, I don't get the 4th gen figures as options in the dropdown where you select the figure the conforming item was originally created for. I don't get this issue when auto-fitting to Genesis 1, which does give me those options - it only happens with Genesis 2 and 3.
I'm 99% certain this is being caused by the fact that, as advised, I created a new content directory for content installed with Install Manager. Consequently, my 4th gen stuff is in the folder I ported over from my old computer (and where I still unpack non-Install Manager stuff to), while the Genesis 2 and 3 stuff is installed in the newer folder which I have Install Manager send things to. So does anyone know how I can get my G2/G3 installs to recognise the fact that the 4th gen/Genesis 1 figures are actually on my system?

Nope, nothing to do with that, you actually hit the answer with the first statement I quoted — the default Autofit for all Genesis (G2, G3) figures only goes back one generation. Genesis will autofit V4/M4/K4 items, Genesis 2 will autofit Genesis items, and Genesis 3 will autofit Genesis 2 items. If you want Autofit to span more than one generation, there are extras you can buy in the store to do it.
It is possible to do it yourself, e.g. to fit V4 clothes on G3F, but it must be done in stages. Autofit the V4 clothes to Genesis, save the clothes as a Figure Asset for Genesis, then do the same again the next generation up. Note that this doesn't always give good results, some old items just don't work well with Autofit, and you are going to lose a bit of quality at each stage of the conversion.
Ah, awesome, thanks. That was me completely over-thinking it then. So long as there's no techy reason getting in the way, that's the main thing.
There are a few other ways to convert older clothing to G2 and G3 as well.
Products for G3:
Products for G2:
There's also a lot of information on making your own autofit clones in this thread:
Wow, thanks for these! Sorry I didn't notice sooner, I'd stopped checking this forum. I came back to it beause I had a small related question, a more subjective one. I am not rich and I don't want to have to pump the same money into both Genesis 2 and 3 to get them up to speed with basic morph packs and such just yet - so is there one it would be wiser to start off with for any reason (given that I ideally want the laziest, easiest possible way to use 4th gen textures on them if possible)?
If you are wanting to use textures with the least bother..then Genesis 2 is the one to concentrate on.
Just what I wanted to know, perfect. Thanks.