Iray Oddity

The Redfern/Imrie TARDIS model ( ) behaves oddly when rendered in Iray. On the left is the 3dl render (the textures were designed for Poser 4 and seem to work well). On the right is Iray with default lights. The Police Box signs are, obviously, broken. If the camera is zoomed closer, different portions of the signs disappear.
Any idea how to fix this?

1067 x 600 - 335K

1067 x 600 - 428K
Looks like flipped poly's to me. If it does not open just take it into a modeler and make sure that all the polies are facing out.
There are two 'extra' surfaces on the signs...Explorer_Default and Ps01on. Use the Geometry Editor to select both of them and hide/delete them.
Had to learn a little more about the geometry editor, but that did the trick; thanks.