Disappearing interactive licenses?

Maybe it's just the specific names showing up in the sales so far that are giving me perception bias, but has anyone else noticed that more and more frequently interactive licenses are not on offer?
I'm looking for deals in my wishlist and finding older things in there that don't have interactive licenses - the thing is, interactive licenses are my primary need, so I wouldn't have wishlisted them if they weren't available at the time. I am however willing to accept maybe I added it in error because I forgot to check.
Outside of my wishlist I'm clicking more and more while window shopping only to find there's no interactive licensing on a good 25% of the products - it used to be a rare exception this time last year.
Am I just getting paranoid or are PA's becoming less willing to support interactive licensing for some reason, even to the point of retroactively removing the option to buy it?
Interactive Licenses don't get removed in general, but there are occasions when they should not have been added in the first place and those will be corrected - usually fairly soon after release.
I see, must just be my imagination then that they're being removed.