How to move a node along its axis?
Hi! How to change the local position of the node like if it were a user dragging the node in the veiwport window using a gizmo?
In other words, how do I move it taking into account the node's rotation? If I just use DzNode.setLocalPos() to move the node along, for example, the y-axis, adding DzVec3(0,5,0), it will just move the node up without taking into account its orientation.
Here's a snippet of code that does the trick. It uses a quaternion, which is extraordinarily useful. oNode is the node you want to move on its rotated y-axis:
// get the local DAZ rotation and position
var dzRot = oNode.getLocalRot(); // returns a DzQuat (quaternion)
var dzPos = oNode.getLocalPos(); // returns DzVec3
var translationAxis = dzRot.getYAxis(); // returns DzVec3
translationAxis.setLength ( 5 ); // Set it up to move it 5cm
var dzPosNew = dzPos.add(translationAxis);
Thank you very much!