Morphing French Paneled Wall with Baseboard, crown and uh

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited December 2015 in Freebies

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right there --->

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the 13 morphs are shown below

when i said "uh" of course i meant "chair rail molding" wink







960 x 1600 - 256K
Post edited by mCasual on


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,670

    Thank you so much for all your shares mC they are all aweosome!!!!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Thank you ... and she looks lovely in all those images :-)



  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797

    Thank you for this.  I've always liked this kind of design on walls.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Awesome..  this is will be much easier to use than trying to position a wall from the Great Home when I need a wall for a promo.  (and I seem to need them a lot and never have an easy one to use)  Now I have one.  Yay!


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    By the way, what inspired me to do that prop was that the whole Simon's flyer/catalog was done in front of a paneled walls corner as you can see here

    plus i wanted a test prop for an upcoming revision of my DS4 version of Duke533's PP2Exporter 


    Happy Holidays ! ( or what's it called?  festivusfortherestovus )

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited January 2016

    Of Course ! an xmas scene with our new wall!

    click here for the 1920 x 1280 version 

    for the nerdy advanced adventurous Daz Studio user, here's the script i used to generate the tree
    1 - load or create a leaf ( could be a simple plane ! )
    2 - create 256 or even 1000 instances of that leaf ( warning when i created 1000 instances of mine, it froze my Daz Studio for 5 minutes ...but, creating batches of 256 is normally fast, so it's probably better to create 4 batches of 256 then dump them all in the "MyTree" node
    3 - rename the instances group MyTree
    4 - run the script


    owner = Scene.findNodeByLabel("MyTree" );p = owner.getWSPos();nodes = owner.getNodeChildren()n = nodes.length;for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){x = Math.random() * 2 - 1y = Math.random() * 200z = Math.random() * 2 - 1v = new DzVec3( x, 0, z )v = v.normalized();rad = 50 * ( 200 - y ) / 200v.x *= rad;v.y = y + 20;v.z *= rad;nodes[i].getScaleControl().setValue( .5 + .5 * ( 200 - y ) / 200 )nodes[i].setWSPos( v.add( p ) );nodes[i].getXRotControl().setValue( Math.random() * 360 - 180 )nodes[i].getYRotControl().setValue( Math.random() * 360 - 180 )nodes[i].getZRotControl().setValue( Math.random() * 360 - 180 )}


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • VilianVilian Posts: 293

    Your stuff is always so handy! Thank you for a Christmass gift, and have a great holiday time!

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    HD version of the xmas card with the wall ! as a desktop backfround for tonight ya know :)

    LINK TO 1920x1080

  • thanks you very much...amazing work!

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