Hiding body parts

Just purchased a faulty product that requires me to basicly hide all the parts of a figure except the eyes.
In the past have just taken item by item and unchecked the part.
Could just take a figure, hide all and save as a template, but thought there might be a shortcut to hiding all except the eyes
Thank you
I think what you want to do is the following:
1. Scene tab - select your character and right click choose Expand All then select/highlight everything UNDER the characters name (not the top level name) and then de-select the eyes or whatever part you want to remain visible.
2. Parameters tab - will now display all selected/highlighted body parts you chose in the scene tab. Select/highlight all the body parts again in the parameters tab and then choose the VISIBLE parameter and change it to OFF.
Hope that helps!
Thank you will try.
I can walk and chew gum at the same time. I dress myself, shave, make food etc.
I cannot however, without your assistance, figure out the workings of a product you have
made without a little help. I know you spent countless, frustrating hours on the creation.
I know that DAZ sometimes makes it difficult for you. But we, the customers, had nothing to do with that.
Purchased a product having to do with letters, vendor posted a video.....great, fantastic product.
I do not ask for video, I do not ask for elaborate pdf files. I don't want you to come to my house to show
me how it works.
But this morning I purchased a product of clothing for Genesis 3. ( Holiday season, will not name it)
Product, with discount, was fairly inexpensive, little over 10 dollars.
I am currently in my third hour of trying to figure how it works.
Even if I hide the entire body, head and eyes are off.
Will take my licking and will not seek a refund (Holiday Season)
But in the ad, it looks great, how was it done?
I don't know
Without knowing which product you are talking about no one will be able to give you any help.
FirePro 9.
I love you, if I had children or a pet I would give them to you.
One thing, where have you been the past few months while I was clicking, clicking?
Thank you
Don't want help, am asking vendors to include something to aid in using their product.
Asking too much?
If so why?
Most products don't really require a lot of documentation, it's usually load, adjust, render and repeat. In most cases where there are specific features or complex steps for an item's usage, I think the vendors and DAZ are pretty good about providing instruction, and help is usually easily found here on the forums or by submitting help tickets.
But without knowing specifically what it is you're having trouble with, it's hard to even say whether documentation is even needed.
Thank you, just trying to help others as so many others have helped me!
Did it have no information on the readme? You can locate that by clicking the little i on the line with the product in DIM.
Merged two threads since they seem to be about the same product issue.
Not really about the same thing. If it is can we rename it by the Vendor title.
The hiding thread has been solved by FirePro (thank you again), helped somewhat with problem.
I have to hide most of the figure but at least it does not take as long
Cannot name product, Holiday Season, only cost about 10 bucks.
Luckily this does not happen often.
If I name the product it will not be a pleasant post.
There is no read me, no documentation.
Took about an hour to find that the vendor had included dials. They did not work.
Accepted the fact I have been hosed and will continue on, a little bit wiser
At the end of my life I want the time I spent on stuff like this back. total waste of a day
We made history today, in all my years of buying this is the first time I have requested a refund.
Like my better half said, if enough people do it maybe there will be instructions.
Please name the product, there may be nothing wrong with it, just that you are not familar enough with Studio to use it.
Please name the product, there may be nothing wrong with it, just that you are not familar enough with Studio to use it.
Might be the case but:
Naming the product would bring up a bile in my throat and would lead me to say things that I would probably
regret later.
Spent a day on this worthless garbage, that is enough for me, DAZ has given me a refund (thank you, seriously, was truly effortless)
Will consider matter closed
A. Have been buying stuff from DAZ for years, am experienced enough, have email from the vendor explaining
what he thinks the product is
B. But addressing what you implied was my possible lack of experience, will repeat what I consider to be
the main purpose of this thread although it keeps gettin lost ( or deleted)
There are products sold here that due to their very nature require a documentation in their use.
It does not have to be a video, it does not have to be an elaborate pdf, it does not have to be illustrated.
A simple read me or something in the advertisement would suffice.
This had absolutely nothing
One day and I could not get it to work, don't know who is dumber, me for working on it. or the vendor for selling it.