How many tokens do folk have?
[How many tokens do folk have?] I ask because I've 13 expiring on Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on your time zone), but my last purchase was on Thursday and gave me 8. I've no idea where the other 5 tokens appeared from.
I guess I'd happily use the extra 5 today, but wary of there being some glitch that sees them disappear tomorrow.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Tokens have individual expiry dates but the main countdown only lists the most recent date. If you have something in your cart you can look at it and hover over the little "i" icon to see the breakdown of when each token expires. It sounds like you have had an additional purchase for $50+ which has added the extra. So your group of 8 and 5 may have different dates.
EDIT: Oh, I just checked and I do seem have 4 more than I expected. All expiring at the same time. So maybe they are an easter gift?
usually none to 1 and I've lost most of those.
Me too.
I have the expected number of tokens (1), without any 'bonus' tokens.
I wonder why at least two of us have extra tokens. How curious.
Some days there are double-token sales where you get twice the tokens gifted for purchases. However, I am pretty sure I had 8 last night and 12 today so has to be something different. Might be wrong as I am not really with it at the moment :/ Not that it matters too much as I would need to place two separate orders in the next 13 hours to make use of them so probably only use the original 8 at most.
If you can make use of the extra ones then maybe you should do - just incase it's a mistake and they get taken away :P
I went back and checked my last two orders. I used the 6 tokens I had, earned 3 on the 20th. On 23 Mar, I used those 6 tokens and earned 7 tokens. Today, I have 10 tokens. It looks like the gift quantity is predicated on how many tokens you had when the gift dropped? Or, how much one has spent during March Madness? I know I have had to limit my purchases.
Today is a double-token day. That's a Monday thing, I think. If you put more than $10 in cart, you get 2 tokens. If you put $40, 4, etc. At least that's what was happening as I loaded my cart... As for gift tokens, I can't say 'cause I don't usually have tokens.
We've asked if theer is something odd happening with Token counts, or a deliberate extra awarded.
If it is extra, that is sweet of the Easter Bunny. If the system is having a freakout, well, okay, maybe it can do with a chocolate egg to help it?
I hope it lasts till I see tomorrow's offerings.
I also had extras (8 -> 11).
I've been given 2 more today. Feels like part of the Easter thing now? Possibly based on purchases on the previous days?
I refreshed some of my tokens yesterday. 13 - 8 + 8 (4, but double tokens). Today I have 15 tokens.
I am not chasing the Easter Egg this year. If I see something I need or like a lot, I might get it, but a character that will bloat my runtime, nope. I am keeping G9 to low levels (for me).
Unsure these extra tokens are linked to the Easter Egg items. My assumption is they're based on some sort of spend formula, but who knows. The 5 extra that appeared on Monday didn't have any Easter Egg trigger, at least.
Please can someone confirm that you should still earn tokens if paying with store credit? I just made a purchase over $10, and according to everything on screen I earned a token, but now I've gone to make another order and I have no tokens to use :( (I'm not trying to buy a gift card - It's just for regular items.)
Yes you earn tokens when you pay with gift cards/store credit. Your 1 token should show up whenever you have an item in your cart and you vote your cart.
You do not earn tokens for buying the gift card, if I recall
Thanks for confirming. I wasn't sure how annoyed I should be XD It's very odd that the token I earned is not appearing when I only have standard product purchases in my basket. I went ahead and bought my second small basket of goodies anyway. Submitted a ticket now so hopefully my DAZ universe can be brought back into alignment soon.