Question About Weight Mapping

in The Commons
I'm trying to teach myself how to fit and rig clothing on G8F. The transfer utility works great, but I'm not satisfied with the weight mapping it applies. I tried playing around with the weight mapping, but for some reason, I'm getting spots that I just can't remove (circled in red in the attached image). I'm sure the main issue is that I have no idea what I'm doing, but can anyone tell me why this happens, or how to fix it?

Weight Mapping.png
1075 x 1078 - 445K
Normally you can undo (Ctrl + Z) after painting the weight.... but if there's no undo stack by now, hold Alt key to paint on that red spots to erase it. Or, switch to Geometry Selection mode, marquee or lasso to select that spot, RBM menu - Weight Editing - Fill Selected.. with 0 value.
One pain with DS's weight painting tools is that they insist that all bone weights be normalised at all times. (Put differently, the total weights on that vertex must always add up to 100%).
As such, to remove weight from a vertex in one group, it does this by shifting any weight you remove to all the other groups that vertex is currently weighted to.
However, if the vertex is not weighted to any other groups, it then refuses to remove the weight, as it doesn't know where it can move it to. As such, to remove this weight, you will have to instead add it to a different group.
(I really wish I had better ways to import weighting from Blender, where I much prefer the tools).
Ahh. Ok. Can the same be said about adding weight? Will it remove weight from that vertex in other groups, assuming they exist?
Yeah, I was using the Alt key, but nothing was happening. I might give the "Fill Selected" method a shot though.
Yes, because it always maintains the total of weights at 100%, adding weight to any vertex that's already weighted in other groups (which will already have a total of 100%) necessarily requires removing weight from the other groups.
Perhaps there's some setting I've missed to avoid it doing the auto-normalising (which yes, you want in the end otherwise things break, but sometimes while working it's extremely unhelpful), but I don't believe there is.
Alt +... should work... though I saw that the color on the spot looks weird....You were painting on a General Weight ?
Also check if Sensitive / Fall-off, etc. are well set. I understand that manual painting weight is a bit cumbersome... so better paint on the transferred weight and well use Fill, Smooth and Attentuate, even copy weight from other similar wearables etc. That'll help saving your time.
With the Node Weightmap Brush active go to the Normalise tab in Tool Settings.