Can anyone help me with this gap?

in New Users
Hi guys, I'm new to using DAZ, so I don't have much knowledge, sorry about that. I bought the Iray Sky Pro product, but whenever I try to use it, there's a gap between the stage and the sky, as in the photo I added. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

2556 x 1181 - 3M
That's a product for the sky. So next you would either fill in the ground/stage area with more water OR tilt the scene angle so one sees the boat on some water with the sky filling the background.
Besides, the product was specifically design for upward view... You need to orbit the view to have a better composition.
What are your dome parameters set at?
Oh i see...Hmm do you have any suggestion for a sky item from daz shop? and thanks for answering.
Thanks for answering. I see and i will try to find a good angle for this render. Do you have any sky item suggestion from daz shop?
Nope. There are some scattered through the stores but one I'm aware is also using free hdrs, so what many do is use free hdrs which we can download ourselves here:
n.b. the page number changes as one scrolls down the page.
Download one and save it to a collecting folder anywhere you want to keep these. n.b. hdrs can get heavy. So for to have an image one does not require huge files [these are also used for lighting].
On the Render Settings tab, find the one for the dome's image, browse to and select the downloaded file. It will show during render. I noticed that there are some sky and water images in the collection. One of those could work for you.
Well I tried to do what you said and this was my result. Thank you so much this was my first time using a hdrs. Its already better than the previous one so I will try to learn more about using hdrs. Again thanks for showing me a new way.
That looks better, yes. Now, the water tends to reflect the sky's colour so you might want to adjust the tints/hues/something on the sea plane to match closer to the sky colours.