How to Change little things in DAZ?

Not too long ago I crashed DAZ so many times I had to do a complete re-install. While it runs fine now (yay!), I've noticed two little changes that annoying the crap out of me.
One is that my "node selection" tool now highlights everything I go to select. I don't like this bevcause it slows down the interface when it takes time to highlight something, and I also don't like things being highlighted that don't need to. Seeing as how I'm sure this is the same version of studio before, I'm wondering how it got to be this way. Please tell me there is a way to disable it.
Another thing that started happening is every time I save a render, I now notice "icon" pictures, tiny versions of my renders, showing up in my render folder. Is there a way to tell Studio to STOP doing this? It's taking up a lot of unnecessary room and I cannot find an option to tell it to stop. I think this is because of the "render library" tab under the Render viewport, but it has never done this before and I don't want it doing it now.
Oh one more question! Is there a way to "zero" the pose of ONLY selected body parts? This is another thing I've never been able to fiure out. Oddly, there is an option for this, but maybe there is a bug because if I select my characters' fingers and chose "zero--> zero selected items pose", it will only zero the first thing I chose. This also happens if I choser multiple bodyparts and manually put in "0" for the Twist, Bend and Side-side bars. It will only affect the first chosen item. And this is something new; it only startred when I re-installed DAZ.
Also, a while ago Genesis' fingers started to seriously distort. This has happened with ALL of my Genesis characters. If I "Bend" the finger, it instead goes side-ways!! What happened?!
Okay, I shoudl have called this a "Problems" thread, because also, again after the new installation, a lot of my props are now showing up as broken, non-existant paths. The props show up in a search of my content library, but instead of seeing thme I get the DAZ gray icon with a yellow-sign-exclamation-mark, and clicking on them says "could not open file: prop/s...." "File does not exist"
How do I fix this without killing or re-doing my entire library? Why would the paths suddenly change? While I did re-install Studio to my F:/ drive, which is where ALL my DAZ content is and always has been, suddenly DAZ seems to be trying to read from a C:/ProgramData/DAZ 3D/ My DAZ 3D Library" path which I NEVER have used. Please I hope someone can fix this. Every time I go to change the path in "Edit Base Path(s)" it changes right back to the C drive!!! Annoying as all...!!! njhgjhgkjkkj
Highlight: In the Draw Settings pane set the highlight mode to Bounding Box only.
Render icons: switch the option at the bottom of the render window to folder isntead of library, then save to a location that isn't set as a Render Library folder.
Zeroing: make sure that you have Display Separate Items unchecked in the Parameter pane otpion menu, and Consolidate Properties checked checked.
Fingers: sounds as if there's a morph applied that isn't adjusting the joint centres. Go to the Currently Used group in the Parameters pane and zero morphs until you find the one that is triggering this. If it's a morph from a store product please open a support ticket.
Missing items: it sounds as if you have additional content directories that haven't been added to DS, assuming you didn't remove some of the content by mistake. Right-click on DAZ Studio Formats in the Content Librayr pane and choose Add Base Directory, then select your content directory on F:. You probably need to do this for Poser Formats too.
Thank you for the assistance!
Though, I admit I can't follow what you mean on the render icons. There are no options at the bottom of my window, and save what to a location that isn't the render library? I'm not following.
I did get to change the hightlight, great! For the others, I will test the solutions tomorrow.
It would be nice to have this as a sticky thread, or one like it. Seems every other day someone is asking about how to turn off highlighting. I know I probably even started a thread about it once. And I'm also going to look at the issue of selecting and zeroing multiple parts, I've had that issue as well. Thanks for asking.
Sorry, I was thinking theer was a text label on the button - click the circled button adn then select the folder option.