NVIDA Geforce GTX 960

I just asked this question in the iray thread, But i figured i may get a better answer here. I just bought an Alienware with corei5 and A NVIDA Geforce GTX 960 card . Not knowing that stuff , Would that be sufficent for doing high(er) quality Iray renders?
Define 'quality'...if you mean larger resolution, then 'maybe'. It's more about the amount of memory the GPU has than the generation/number on the nameplate. Memory determines how big a scene and render can be, number of CUDA cores determines how fast it gets rendered. In the end, if all things are equal (meaning that the render isn't stopped before it is actually finished) then the 'quality' will be the same.
Well , yeah Interms of resoultion and realisim , yes that's what i was asking. Altough i did some homework on it, i was also kind of roundaboutly asking if anyone could tell me if that particular graphics card ( as i said The NVIDA Geforce gtx 960 2gb ) Is actually a good processor.
Short answer...yes, but somewhat limited for rendering, due to only being 2 GB. No, it's not top of the heap...but it's not the bottom, either.
I'm currently using an EVGA GTX 960 4GB which is serving very nicely. It's not the fastest of the 9xx range, but it works well.
It also eats up my battery life like nobodys business. lol!
Mine is only two but it renders fairly quickly. But i'm happy with it for now. And right , i actually just did a comparison on the 960m and the 980ti , it's less than half the processor the 980 is but it still holds its own.