Eye Icon Functionality with G3F / G3F Clothing

I hope some of you knowledgeable folk will be able to help me out on this issue.
I've been happily loading models of G2F, clothing them with V4 items.
My work style makes frequent use of the make item invisible 'eye' icon.
This has worked fine, even with cross generational clothing on G2F & G3F.
I noticed the other day though, if I do this with a G3 item on G3, the body parts also become invisible.
Do I have a problem with a specific item(s) of clothing or is this a G3F / G3F clothing issue?
Is there any way I can make this work as it used to, please?
It doesn't happen on my setup with G3M and the Basic Wear. What clothing item exactly does it happen with, and can you please post an image?
I don't know if this will work...
It won't let me upload from my computer.
Some clothing is set up as a GeoGraft, so it hides the underlying polygons. This can be useful when the clothing should deform the flesh underneath (as witha corset or skin-tight jeans), but is less welcome in some other cases (wanting to hide part of the clothing as you are, or to apply transparency for tears or sheerness for example). You can't stop the clothing from GeoGrafting but you can edit the AutoHide group so that the areas you want are visible - use the Geometry Editor to select a polygon on the base figure that you don't mind losing (one that will be covered by the visible clothing), fit the clothing, then with the base figure selected right-click in the viewport and go to Geometry Assignment>Auto-Hide group - a dialogue will open from which you pick the clothing item. In order for the new group to kick in you will need to fit the clothing to None, then back to the figure.
Thanks for the work around Richard.
Greatly appreciated.
So it won't be all G3F clothing that works in that fashion then?
No, it depends on how the item was set up.
Thanks for the clarification.
Greatly appreciated.