Bones hierarchy in G3F

Happy holidays to everyone that reads this!
Moving on....
I'm looking for a way (preferably within DazStudio) to adjust the hierarchy of bones. Basically what I'm looking to do is make it so that when I move bones in the figure's torso, the movement will propagate down the body, towards the legs rather than up it. Currently when you move anything from the hips down, the rest of the leg follows that movement. The same occurs in reverse with parts above the hips so moving any abdomen will cause the entire upper body to move about. I'd like to adjust the rigging so that the 'hip' begins at the upper chest, so if I make a bend in the abdomen area, the rest of the lower body moves to follow.
I suppose this would count as reversing the hierarchy?
I'd love for this to be able to be done in Daz Studio.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Joint Editor allows you to change a bone's parent (in the right-click context menu), but you'd also need to adjust the weight maps - especially on the old and new root bones, I'd think - and probably the JCMs too.
I'm going to look into that, thanks!
Not to discourage you on your adventure, but I think that will have all the clothes, etc. not "fitting" correctly too.
Thanks for you thought, patience55. With clothes I can find a workaround, such as post painting, or working on the textures of the figure itself. My chief conern was the posing itself because it's been a nightmare working with the existing hierarchy for this particular piece I'm working on.
very interesting
keep us informed please