How do I lock genesis 3 feet in place and move with hip for keyframe animation?

How do I lock genesis 3 feet in place and move with hip for keyframe animation?
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How do I lock genesis 3 feet in place and move with hip for keyframe animation?
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a very old flaw in daz animation
you just cant do that
mjcasual has a script for this like pin me down or auto limb
Thanks for response, I'll check back in a few years. Sticking with poser for now.
The Universal tool allows pinning, but it is not as rigid as Poser's pinning so you ahve to be careful. What Ds does lack is parentable IK targets. Casual's scripts do offer a lot of enhancements.
To be fair, the real world isn't as rigid as Poser's pinning either. :)
If you managed to pin your foot to the floor, preferably by crazy gluing your show to the floor, not putting a 10 penny nail through it, your ankle or foot would fracture before you moved the hip as far as Poser allows.
I can honestly NOT recommend ANY method of pinning your foot to the floor, as rigidly as Poser does....been there, done that...the cast itches like hell...
so can we get a posing tool that can do that ?
all posing underneath the hip is a pain
the problem with active pose is it uses translations only
so you disturb the mesh
and the feet do not stay in place
but this all is very old
but no love from daz
DAZ Studio has come a long way, but I can't believe they don't have an efficient IK system like Poser.
I was seriously about to switch from Poser to DAZ Studio. I will never, ever use DAZ Studio until they fix this issue.
In DAZ's defense, DAZ Studio 4.8 looks great, but this problem is a deal breaker.
As others have said there is no hard lock lock like Motion Builder or other animation progams, but by pinning the translation and rotation using DS IK pins you can get a close approximation. I actually prefer DS Ik pins to Posers because the are more flexable (you can start the IK chain from any joint) and it's easier to turn-off and on. Also PowerPose pins will create a hard lock, but it is not true IK chain, but works well in certain cases such as hanging etc. Go figure was creating a set of tools for DS that would have have givin us a set of advance IK tools, but this seems to have been canned.