Figure model is too bright

I bought sakura figure model but it's too bright. It's too difficult for me to pose the character right.

I want this model to be like genesis 8.1 dev load. 



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    What do you mean by "too bright" ?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    If this is for posing as you work, rather than the final render, you could try using a different DrawStyle - click the little sphere icon on the elft of the row of buttons at top-right of the Viewport (or left but for the light meter icon if you are using Iray DrawStyle) and try one of the Smooth or Wire Shaded views.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Ah...probably with Filament drawstyle I presume... I deactivated Filament plugin from very beginning. If so, press Ctrl + 7 to make it like a Dev Load.

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