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Thanks a lot Sonja! I hope you enjoy it and that you get some value out of it
I picked up the real drops from Hellboy for males, so instead of lettering the next page for the comic, I've been spendig way too much time with that :D btw this undercut dreadlocks hair has become my favourite by far atm
there is a slightly different version of this on my dA site
And yeah, don't I know about getting derailed by other things....
This month contribution to Llola laned render a month with the topic after dark
Paris 04:07 am
A tribute to the film "Night on Earth" by Jim Jarmusch, I liked the challenge to achieve the same mood as in the file
btw tis is good old Darius 6 unchanged but for the skin turned Iray using Anagenessis. I still think this is one of the best male black skins available
here is an interesting postwork that happened by accident.
original is this one which is from the page of Taiduo I'm recently working on, I was already very happy with the result
this oen happened whan I had two layers of the same image and turned the uppermost to black and white with a threashold value. What I didn't notice at first and I wondered why its looking so different was that the uppmost layer was turned to half transparent, so the colors from below still showed through.
I really like the effect :D
He looks quite 'real' in that image.
Thanks a lot @Fishtales yes he's got a great skin, I'm still searchign for something equal on the newer figures
I have Genesis 8 with Darius 6 too and this one with Darius 7.
You did something with the lips, or are they just in the shadow? because they always seem overly glossy, never got that right. but in your image it looks ok
I can't say. I tweak things all the time but I don't always remember what. That was rendered a while ago.
From the Comment in the .jpg
Genesis 8 Male and Darius 7 skin
2017-08-24 21:44:31.652 Total Rendering Time: 1 hours 8 minutes 35.42 seconds
So 2017.
Time for some new art from my webtoon Taiduo latest upload
again playing with light
some motion blurr (postworked)
and a portrait of Jishu
Wow some really stellar renders since I last had a chance to drop in.
Darius 6 has always been one of my favorites, but I'm pretty fond of most of the 6's.
I really like your happy accident as well, those are sometimes the best images I produce, the ones I don't do on purpose lol.
The girl leaning into the hatch? Wow, the lighting is spectacular.
Thank you so much, Sonja! It has been largely because of you that I started being more experimental with postwork and there are some great new features with gimp2.10 to experiment with. And I made good use of that with the book cover by now :D
Well you are certainly doing a great job! I'm glad I was able to encourage your forays into postwork.
a little late, here is my entry for Llolas render a month challenge for last month, which will become a little bit of an experimental field later to see if I manage to solve the light problem
and the last image of an extra mini comic which will be posted later on the webtoons page, I made with my Linwelly avatar and a character I called Medusima for now
I#ve been playing around with some new tools I Fluidon for one and the new strandbased hair on the other side, Well got to say the Fluidos had to wait after I updated to 4.11 as I was really eager to try myself on the SBH.
Well the first thing ( couldn't help myself) were some hairy balls - me so punny,
this is 3delight
And then I wanted to see if I can create grass with this system.
this is 1 sqare meter plane with 100 segments, (one segment has the trouble of showing only wone strand of hair in the SBH menue to design on, which is difficult) so one strand per segment for the preview it seems)
I gave this a rather thick base 3 and the tip is 0.5) and then went wild with the different tools. the short stuff in the front doesn't look convincing but the rest shows potential. render time 3 and a half minute.
I made a row of screenshots during the grass creation, thinking of making a tutorial if someone is even interested
Another side project was to give the DAZ sheep a new pelt, which hasn't come far yet
Nice work! I think the "furballs" turned out well!
Nice experiments. Looks useful, too!
As my experiments to give the sheep a standbased furr failed so far I took the bored shepherd a bit further into character development and got him a new job.
I had a lot of fiddeling around with Fluidos for this one, thankfully they helped me over in the PA thread with the settings or I would have been utterly lost in options. So the blood flowing down the soed is made with fluidos, I created it in a separate scene and safec it as an object which offers a load full of cool stuff I should try, when I get time.
I might even rerender this one with a better result from the simulation at some point.
Some more experiments, this time with Darius 7. I never really liked his original skin settings, especially his lips looked like a dead fish every time I looked at them, so I fiddles around with his skin until I thought is looking better. The lips are still not what I want but I guess for that I need to repaint them on the texture. anyway here is the new Darius7 skin on the right and the original is on the left
That's quite a difference with Darius. Best wishes on it.
Interesting what you're doing with fur and grass too. The wave shapes in the grass look useful already for underwater shot?
+1 for tutorials on how you do that! :)
Oh, nice idea with the underwater setting, never thought of that!
I'm not sure if with divamkeup's brilliant little tutorial here my input is all covered maybe?
here is the link to that one:
Diva put up her tut like an hour after I posted the question on this. But, ok I will add my screenshot settings here with some comments for additional info in the next days.
Wonder why topic e-mail notices at seem hit or miss at DAZ. Glad it worked this time! "Divamakeup's" tutorial. looks very useful.
Will check back in to see if you hav time for additional stuff. I know you are probably very busy. Thanks for reply and the link to the tut! :)
Ok, I'll try though this s more a collection of randome discoveries than a tutorial, maybe one or another can draw some information form it the didn't know yet.
With many option I still don't really understand what they are meant for. Currently my expeditions are a bit on hold with too many other projetct going on, but still the tool is fun and very creative.
First challenge I had was to find where I get the basic node for the tool, its in create "new strand based hair" and requires an object selected in the scene tab
after that there will instantly popup the tool viewport, just cancel that for the moment as first we need to tell DAz to update and merge menues:
select the stand bases Hair node in the scene tab and open the tool viewport again under Edit/object/Edit strand based hair
this is what you will see
you can alter the cam in the viewport to see your objct from any angle. Go to the Paint tab gor the next
this looks odd because I used a plane with 1 poly in the first try
part two
If you want your hair with full amount paint with value 100 interesting for borders between hair and no hair is to use lover value or the falloff area of your brush
if you want to remove paint from an area or undo somethin you painted by accident use value 0%
with my one ploy plane I later had the problem that only on the corners of the plane a symbolic hair showed up to comb etx. for a better anticipation of what will come use more polies
Also an exymple for reduced value with the paint brush
once everything you want is painted move to the distribute tab, the density of 20 is very low, for hair I saw they use up to 240, for my grass I used 150
As well here you can set the shape of your hairs, for my grass I wanted large blades so I went for 10 reducing to 3 at the top
hair needs to be below 1
here is a quick render in 3delight of what that looked lilke
part three
in the style tab your sample hair is this shinie blue (this is where ther were 4 sample hairs with my one ploy plane ;)
with the comb you can brush the hair into direction not to keep the box "retain curve lenght" ticked whan you want to keep the hair aat this lenght
this is usefull for directions in furr
the box unticked elongated the hair with each stroke
this little hook formed tool helps to make curves, though I understand that this is of limited use in Iray you can make waves but no treu curls there, correct my if I'm wrong
for real deal longer hair use this one where you can as well change directions but mainly this seems for lenght because right movement of the mouse with the hair selected makes it longer
and moving left shorter
with those selection tools (I got to say i don't understand them fully) you can grab parts of the hair to grow longer or shorter
Finally the clump tab you can move the hair to groups, I still want to use this to make the sheep coat for the daz sheep but wasn't all that sucessfull yet
there ares lots of settings I don't yet understand what they really change anf I guess it gets really interesting once you start using maps for some of the fields
well the result of this experiment is a but up in this thread
I really hope this helped someone (probably me the most to remember once I come back to this)
Looks like fun :D
Fun it certainly is but a lot of frustration as well LOL
ok some updated: my triptych for Llolas challenge
best seen in full size
this was a lot of work but I really like the result
and this one has been on the gallery since some days but I'll leave that here for now as well:
That triptych looks awesome!