Linwelly's Grove



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I love your White King! I think he goes really well with the others in the series!  I like the pill bugs render.  It looks like they really surprised those guards!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited June 2016

    I finally got somthing done again, but this was kind of a struggel and there is still somthing with the light not all the way it should be but I need this to be done now.

    so this is calles Good Morning Sakura

    and I had the full plunge into fairy pink sprakly girlyness, my daughter was all excited!

    done as usual with 3delight some postwork in Gimp2.8

    1498 x 926 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865


    Very nice work on the pose and color palette.  

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Its really beautiful....

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Very nice, Linwelly.  I'm not sure what you think the lighting problem is that you have, but I think you did a good job.  I see those types of problems in my own stuff sometimes and I can never figure out how to change what I want to change because I can never figure out what the problem is!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited June 2016

    Thanks everybody! I can't take credit on the pose though, it's one of the rare times I used a preset pose without much alteration.

    The probem with the light is not so much the light itself but a slight grittyness that sometimes comes with renders using UE2 lights. I did adjust for quality and it got a lot better but not all the way I'd want it to be. There are still some times I don't get why and what afflicts the grittyness as for example the light settings in " call me goat" and "two" are pretty similar except the quality setting are not as much adjusted for quality, still they are a lot more crisp.

    Probably I will have to test a bit if its the skin thats reacting different... as the rest is ok, just thinking out loud here...

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited June 2016

    Lovely scene and great colors! She is a fairy, so she has that otherworldly look by default! :-)

    Assuming it is G2F, probably it is the AoA SubsurfaceShader. If Subsurface Scattering is used, there is one more Shading Rate parameter to consider, wich you can find in the Surface Tab. Maybe thats what you are looking for?

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    MN-150374 said:

    Lovely scene and great colors! She is a fairy, so she has that otherworldly look by default! :-)

    Assuming it is G2F, probably it is the AoA SubsurfaceShader. If Subsurface Scattering is used, there is one more Shading Rate parameter to consider, wich you can find in the Surface Tab. Maybe thats what you are looking for?

    Thanks  a lot Mike, that is a good hint, I'll have a look into that, just changing the skin didn't make a difference, and yes your guess is right the it's g2f.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Linwelly said:
    MN-150374 said:

    Lovely scene and great colors! She is a fairy, so she has that otherworldly look by default! :-)

    Assuming it is G2F, probably it is the AoA SubsurfaceShader. If Subsurface Scattering is used, there is one more Shading Rate parameter to consider, wich you can find in the Surface Tab. Maybe thats what you are looking for?

    Thanks  a lot Mike, that is a good hint, I'll have a look into that, just changing the skin didn't make a difference, and yes your guess is right the it's g2f.

    Experimenting some more with that and yes it seems your hint was directing me in the right corner of DS. How long are you even using DS to know all this stuff...

    Well I got to thank you for pushing me to another thing to get aquainted to. I will be experimenting for a while on subsurface and light.

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited June 2016
    Linwelly said:
    Linwelly said:
    MN-150374 said:

    Lovely scene and great colors! She is a fairy, so she has that otherworldly look by default! :-)

    Assuming it is G2F, probably it is the AoA SubsurfaceShader. If Subsurface Scattering is used, there is one more Shading Rate parameter to consider, wich you can find in the Surface Tab. Maybe thats what you are looking for?

    Thanks  a lot Mike, that is a good hint, I'll have a look into that, just changing the skin didn't make a difference, and yes your guess is right the it's g2f.

    Experimenting some more with that and yes it seems your hint was directing me in the right corner of DS. How long are you even using DS to know all this stuff...

    Well I got to thank you for pushing me to another thing to get aquainted to. I will be experimenting for a while on subsurface and light.

    As soon as you were talking about the quality of the skin, it just made click and the Shading Rate in the Shader itself came to my mind. There is also a Shading Rate in the Human Surface Shader ( based on Ubersurface ) when it comes to Subsurface Scattering. So it is easy to remember, once you are aware of it. ;-)

    Experimenting with the AoA Subsurface Shader is still on hold for me, but one day I have to reproduce some of the impressive results in this AoA Subsurface Shader Discussion , especially the toony type renders. There is a lot of talk about Skin Settings and the Shading Rate in there. Hope thats another helpful hint. :)

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited June 2016

    Here is some more Subsurface Shader exercise I made for LolaLlanes render a month challenge, this time the number is three. I do understand a lot more about subsurface shader now but some things are still a öittle mysterious to me.

    Title is Marcs Horses

    as in the horse paintings by Franz Marc, was led to that title by the shadows and reflections of the horses.

    as usually rendered in 3delight, no postwork

    1800 x 1013 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Very cool.  Something else on my list of things to learn.  The list is very very long....

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited June 2016

    Thanks a lot Sonja! Yes my list is still very long as well!

    Here is something made for the Tarquin challenge of the Daranged Dares over at dA.

    Title: Tarquin the Elder

    you could read about the background here, and the room intereieur had this image as reference.... You just as well could call it fanservice devil

    as usually rendered with 3delight, no postwork

    1600 x 1131 - 1M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Linwelly said:

    Thanks a lot Sonja! Yes my list is still very long as well!

    Here is something made for the Tarquin challenge of the Daranged Dares over at dA.

    Title: Tarquin the Elder

    you could read about the background here, and the room intereieur had this image as reference.... You just as well could call it fanservice devil

    as usually rendered with 3delight, no postwork

    Very nice. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Looks great!  Great use of depth of field as well.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Gee, Linwelly, I didn't think you did half naked men!  :)  I think he looks great!  I love the DOF on the flames and I like the lighting, too.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited July 2016

    Gee, Linwelly, I didn't think you did half naked men!  :)  I think he looks great!  I love the DOF on the flames and I like the lighting, too.

    Haha, I feel so naughty now *wink*  Well the things you do for challenges!

    But thanks for all the comments, now we return at least half ways to my hometurf, well Sports is not it but I did a sports render, and for safety reasons I put in a fairy.

    For all of you who didn't take notice of the Icalndic soccerteam on the EURO championchip, they are doing great and I love the way they do it to bits and peaces, so before they got to challenge the hosting nation France, I wanted to have this one done.  For all who are not familiar with the Icelands Fan Fun, have a look at this

    so here is Hu!

    as usual renderd in 3delight with a bit of postwork. I made a ton of stuff myself for this

    the ball is from Luxxeon on sharecg

    the Logo on the ball is inspired by the originall UEFA Ball 2016

    1600 x 900 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Careful with half naked men, Linwelly!  They can get addictive.  You know I have lots of room over here on the dark side with me!  ;)

    Gee, your fairy!  She's adorably cute!!!  I love that image.  :)

  • TabascoJackTabascoJack Posts: 865

    Gee, Linwelly, I didn't think you did half naked men!  :)  I think he looks great!  I love the DOF on the flames and I like the lighting, too.

    It's only fair, given the volume of scantily clad women that get posted.   Some of which, I've been responsible for.

    Great image!


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Gee, Linwelly, I didn't think you did half naked men!  :)  I think he looks great!  I love the DOF on the flames and I like the lighting, too.

    It's only fair, given the volume of scantily clad women that get posted.   Some of which, I've been responsible for.

    Great image!


    There's never enough images of scantily clad men. 


    Your fairy is adorable.

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited July 2016

    Have read an article about Icelands Fan Shirts being sold out all over Europe. I am glad your fairy has got one in time! :-)

    Also beautiful work in the background with the neon signs. Well done! :)

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    MN-150374 said:

    Have read an article about Icelands Fan Shirts being sold out all over Europe. I am glad your fairy has got one in time! :-)

    Also beautiful work in the background with the neon signs. Well done! :)

    Thanks a ot everybody! Haha, yes she got one of the shirts, got to say there are only 23 icelandic teammambers cool. And the background, some shaeless self promotion, got to run your adds somewhere lol!



    Careful with half naked men, Linwelly!  They can get addictive.  You know I have lots of room over here on the dark side with me!  ;)

    Gee, your fairy!  She's adorably cute!!!  I love that image.  :)

    @Knittingmommy well, I'll get in trouble with my hubby if I do too much half naked menblush, but I never said to be opposed to them, so I'm already filling one tiny space in your dark sidedevil.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited July 2016

    Games with shadows Tutorial.

    Some time back I promised to make a tutorial about a fun thing to do with shadows. See this image (

    Starting point is the setup to get the shadow image made in DS ( in the end you can use any other thing just the same but this gives a lot of possibilies.
    You need an empty plane as a background, the figure you want the shadow of, dressed and posed in relation to the background plane. Its useful to have a control camera to see what the figure looks like and control the posing.
    Then you need a camera positioned between the figure and the plane to render the shadow. As the distance to the plane is rather short you need to adjust the frame width of the render camera to include everything of your shadow.
    And certainly you need a spot light and only that to illuminate the scene. Spot figure and rendercam need to be aligned so that the shadow does not get distorted
    see the viev thsough the spot, notice the inner circle of the spread angle should surround everthing that is supposed to be seen in the shadow.
    If needed increase spot intensity.
    you will have to make several test renders to adjust the render cam, as you can see the results only in the render.
    Here is my result.
    take this to the postwork program of your choice and increase contrast to a sharp edge:
    Return to DS and set up your scene, and this needs a Gobo light (i used or any other spot light that provides the option to include an image. Click on the image and browse to your new shadow. Point the spot towards a wall and see your shadow there without any figure in the war to cast it.
    Magic done, part one

    1920 x 1080 - 627K
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    800 x 800 - 131K
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh that looks not only useful but fun!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    That looks kind of fun!  You may get me to go back into 3Delight again! ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited July 2016

    Games with shadows Tutorial Part 2

    A little fun modification takes some more work in GIMP or Photoshop.
    Take your gobo light image back to the program and duplicate the layer two times. Hide the original (always good to keep the original at hands)
    For the highest layer turn the whites to transparent
    The other layer needs to be inverted in balck and whites and I used the gaussian blurr serveral times on it. if needed increase contrast and adjust light. Activate both layers and if some white or grey is still where it should not be cover it with black on a transparent top layer
    once again adjust contrast and export the finished silhouette till it looks like this

    like before load it into your gobo spot and render on a wall.

    magic done, part two


    1920 x 1080 - 828K
    1920 x 1080 - 265K
    800 x 800 - 56K
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923

    Thats a creative idea and good inspiration!  Thanks for the tutorial!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Ok, so that is cool and I'm so going to try this.  It's almost like doing shadow puppets!!!  :)  There's an idea.  Shadow puppets.  Has anyone ever heard of Attraction Black Light Theater Company?  They are Hungarian and I think they did a performance for the opening ceremonies Olympics when it was in London.  Here's a clip from their audition (one of their simplest performances) on Britain's Got Talent.  I do warn you that it is a very emotional piece and I cry each time I watch it.  The actual performance starts at 1:21 if you want to skip ahead.

    They do amazing stuff and I've always thought being able to do something similar in DS would be amazing especially if it could be animated.  I think, though, it would have to be done in 3Delight which is one reason I haven't tried it yet.  But I think doing something similar with Linwelly's lighting tutorial, it might actually be possible.  What do you think?

    Does anyone remember those silhouette portraits that were all the rage, well  here in the states anyway, back in the 70s?  I remember that every time I went to the fair or a place where there were artists doing portraits or caricatures, there would always be at least one artist doing these.  They were such fun and I know my mom had one done of each of us kids.  

    That's what you tutorial reminds me of and I'm wondering if doing this would get a similar kind of effect for our figures.  The lighting is different in your tutorial.  Maybe if the light area were blown out more?  I'm wondering, because you know more about all this stuff than I do, if your playing with lights can get me anywhere close this?  I'd love to do something like this to use in a picture frame for putting up on a wall in a scene.  I seriously have no idea where to start to get this effect, but your tutorial has me thinking it is possible.  I did almost get something like this in Iray when I first started out, by mistake, but I have no idea what I did and now that I know how to use Iray correctly, of course, I can't duplicate that mistake again so I can't figure out how to do this in Iray either.  What do you think?  Possible?  Yes, I know it can be done fairly easily in post because I've seen tutorials on how to do it.  I'm just wondering if it can be done in DS and I'm wondering how close we can get to something like the picture I linked above.

    I really loved this tutorial, Linwelly, and it's given many so many ideas.  I'm just quite not sure how to get where I think I want to go with it so I need a little direction.  I'm definitely going to play around with this, though. Oh, I think I just committed to going into 3Delight territory again!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thanks a lot Knitting, getting you back to 3delight seems a good success for me devil. And seein you all excited about the idea makes me happy, but you got me a bit conused.

    What you want to achieve is the Silouhette Portrait thing? First you can easily colour the outer black part in white in postwork, the rest is just a question of carfully position the character and the rendering camera. If you want to make it without the work in Gimp or the like you could try for the light in the first step a distant light.

    for this render is deleted the black outer part of the spots so I could overlap them.

    I will be on vacation for the following week, so I will not be around to respond quickly. But I will try to answer to all questions once I'm back.


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Linwelly said:

    Thanks a lot Knitting, getting you back to 3delight seems a good success for me devil. And seein you all excited about the idea makes me happy, but you got me a bit conused.

    What you want to achieve is the Silouhette Portrait thing? First you can easily colour the outer black part in white in postwork, the rest is just a question of carfully position the character and the rendering camera. If you want to make it without the work in Gimp or the like you could try for the light in the first step a distant light.

    for this render is deleted the black outer part of the spots so I could overlap them.

    I will be on vacation for the following week, so I will not be around to respond quickly. But I will try to answer to all questions once I'm back.


    Kind of.  While I can do the silhouette thing in GIMP, I would love to see if I could do an animation similar to the one in the video which I think your lighting tutorial will help with.  I honestly don't know, but I would think if I can do something really similar to the portrait silhouettes in DS and then animate THAT then I might have something close to what I have in mind.  I will probably have questions, but they can wait.  While you are on vacation, I'll play around with your tutorial in 3Delight and then ask my questions.  I think I got so excited about the possibility that I didn't make a whole lot of sense.  Once I've actually played with your tutorial, I'll have a better grasp of how to do the stuff in your tutorial and better, more focused questions.  Have fun on vacation!

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