DESIGN ANVIL Freebie - DA Love Chair
Design Anvil - Razor42
Posts: 1,239
New DESIGN ANVIL Daz Studio Freebie!
• Love Chair prop
• Iray and 3Delight
• 2 Poses for Genesis 3
Download from the following link: DA Love chair
883 x 1132 - 85K
Post edited by Design Anvil - Razor42 on
very nice, but is it only available on Facebook?
Yes, But there is no need to login or signup to FB. Just go through to the freebie page and download.
Pls let me know if you have any issues downloading it.
Thank you.
Wendy, you will need to have facbook and fbcdn allowed as scripts (if you run a blocker like NoScript) and then click the Skip link tog et to the freebie listing, click the Download Now link for the Love Chair, skip the next sign up prompt and you can get the download.
Razor42, the zip has a generic My Daz 3D Library name rather than being named for the product - I renamed mine to DA Love Chair.
Thanks Richard, I corrected the zip name as suggested.
Thank you both have now managed to download it.
DA, you are awesome.
Thanks DA! For this and the other free stuff on your page (BTW, is the Festive tree still avail? I saw it in a post hunting down promo art for the snake ring :) )
Unfortunately. it's only mostly true about not having to sign in...if you've ever signed in to FB, you can't get anywhere without signing in or clearing cache/cookies/etc...I had to try 3 browsers before I could (and no, you don't come between teenaged daughters and their FB login...).
Just curious, is there any way that page can be customised, or is it a preset format that FB specifies? I could barely see the tiny little "Skip" text link, in pale grey text, on a bright white page.
And there's a hiccup in both .duf files, it can't find the .dsf file in /data/ because one of the "DA Love Chair" folders is actually "DA Love Chair " — note the space — and I can't change the folder name manually.
Thank you DA for the generous freebie
Thank you very much.
Hi Todd, Yep still available you can find it here: -
Keep in mind though it relies pretty heavy on displacement map effects, so maybe not be to Iray friendly as is.
Hi SpottedKitty,
I updated the base files to remove the space.
Though the prop files should still work with it there as far as I can, what error where you getting? Had the folder name been changed somehow?.But just to cleanup, I removed it and reuploaded and the updated version is now available at the link.The little grey skip page is something that is preformatted and I'm not sure if I can customise it. But you will find you can click the continue button as well as the skip button and it will still proceed as per normal to the freebie page. I guess it was designed to make it more straightforward to just like and continue, rather than skip.
EDIT: I see the trailing space is a convention that Windows 7 has issue with. My aoplogise for missing it in the initial upload.
Got it working now, thanks. Now to think up scenes to use it in...
Very nice!!!
It is telling me Resource not found and this message comes as well
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I have Win 7 maybe that is my problem not sure but is there a way you could put it maybe on sharecg or someplace else?
I just double checked through a few different browsers and everything seems to be in order with the link. So I'm not sure what the issue maybe have a look at this comment by Richard it may relate to your issue. Which browser are you using and when do you receive the error straightaway or when attempting to download? If you can't get the direct link working you can always go from the facebook link in my signature too.
I have had issues with third party hosting sites changing their policies in the past forcing me to migrate my freebies from them and leaving broken links in my posts scattered everywhere. So I prefer to do my own hosting where I have a greater degree of control and the ability to maintain a more stable platform for links.
Thank you very much! I just downloaded without expeiriencing any problems using Firefox and running Win 7.
I've got the same issue and have scripts/ etc enabled. (Edit, that was for the other link you gave, got the chair from the first link without any issues.) Thanks you, very generous!
I finally got it thank you so much for this love chair Anvil
Also d/l the others on your page nice work!!!
Thank you DA, and for making it so don't have to have Facebook; I cancelled and deleted mine.
Thank You very much, this looks great. I have just downloaded it.
I just left a message on the post over at Facebook, I have an issue but only because I am using a computer at the College, some security thing, even tried under a different browser and got the same problem. The issue it not your download, it's the College, not much anyone can do about that. Will see if my daughter can get it for me on her computer when I see her tomorrow.