New Content/Genesis Help....

I am returning to Daz after a looong hiatus. When I did renders before V4 was the top dog in models. Everything was simple enough. You had V3, you bought V3 clothes and items. V4, V4 clothes and items. Etc etc. Very simple and the content library was fairly simple to deal with once you got the hang of things. I dont think there was the smart content stuff back then. I think that is all new and I havent tried creating a scene yet (as I just got the program working properly today) so IDK how that works or if I will have Qs on that later on. But for now Im confused about general figures and content.
I am afraid that despite trying to research the heck out of it and viewing MANY items in the store I am not 100% clear about Genesis vs. regular models. I dont know if Genesis replaces the old models or if you need both Genesis bases/morphs AND the other models (Victoria, Michael, Freak, Stephanie, Aiko, etc etc) to make content work or what. Some items I view in the store seem basic and I think I understand them and what I require. Others are more complex and thus confusing so Im a little unclear what exactly I need to make them work. I have over 620+ items in my wishlist and I def dont want to waste money on items I dont necessarily need, you know? I have a family of 5 to feed. :P
Some examples of what I mean and what is causing my confusion:
This model. It looks pretty straightforward. It appears all I need to make this content work is Genesis 2. It doesnt mention morphs though so IDK if I should assume I'd need full body morphs as well to make this work?
Then we get something like this:
Am I to assume I need BOTH of the "required" products? V6 AND Genesis 2 morphs bundle? Or do I need either/or? Either V6 base/morphs OR Gensis 2 base/morphs (again morphs are mentioned with V6 and base isnt mentioned with Genesis 2 part so a bit confusing there. Im making assumptions you need both to make a custom char like this work).
To go even more complex:
This guy is showing a crapton of required products. Do I need ALL of those products to make this character work or do I need either M4/morphs OR Genesis (with M4 morphs) OR Genesis 2 with M4 Morphs? Once you get past all that should I assume that to even use M4 to genesis morphs properly I'd need the M4 base regardless?
It is a bit confusing and overwhelming for a noob and again, I dont want to waste money if I dont have to but I also want to make sure I have everything I could possibly want or need to make any and all content I fancy (custom chars, hair, clothes, etc) work. If that means I need EVERY single level of Genesis/2/3 base+full morphs AND each and every regular model base/morphs as well then I will eventually buy all. I want a well rounded library that will let me make a variety of characters that dont all look exactly the same and Im rusty. VERY rusty. And I dont know how to make my own original content/textures/whatever. I cant even pretend atm. :P
Thank you for reading (its long sorry) and for any help or advice/tips you can provide. Im very excited about getting back into Daz and want to update my content library very soon as well as get to creating some new renders. :)
The first one is simply a Morph for Genesis 2 female, so all you will need is that and the product.
the 2nd one is a morph for V6, who is a character for Genesis 2 female. The morphs package is a set of dial in morphs for Genesis 2, which can also be used on Genesis 2 characters like V6, to add more variation. So yes, to make that product look like the promo figure you will need V6 and the morphs package.
The Jepe one has variations for different figures. So it can be used on a standalone M4, or on Genesis or on Genesis 2 male
So if you want to use it on M4 then you need him and the M4 morphs++ package
If you want to use it on Genesis then you need the Genesis morph packages and the M4 shapes for genesis.
If you want to use it on Genesis 2 Male then you need the M4 shapes for Genesis 2 plus the genesis 2 male morphs.
Ok, I think I understand. At least that much.
Is it safe to assume that if M4 works for Genesis 2 with a morph pack and I buy say some hair for M4 that I could use that hair on the Genesis 2 base as well? Or would it only work on M4? Are they cross compatible I guess is what Im asking? Lol. IDK. Im a noob to this stuff sorry.
You should come and visit us in the New Users Help forum, and we can talk you through things there.
In the meantime here is a compatability Matrix, which may help.
The last one is easy...there are 3 versions of for M4 (which would require the M4 morphs, etc), one for Genesis (it would require the Genesis morphs and the M4/V4 shapes for Genesis) and a Genesis 2 version. So if all you have is M4 and the required morphs, then the only version that would work 100% correctly would be that one.
The second one on your list is just as easy...yes it requires V6 AND the Genesis 2 morphs bundle.
The first one...yes, all that's needed is the base.
M4/V4 and all the rest are '4th generation'.
Genesis is 5th.
G2F/G2M are 6th.
G3F/G3M are 7th.
Each generation has various 'expansion' morphs that are often needed. Older generation content is still usable, but less and less new content is being made for them.
If you have all the stuff for 4th generation, there are ways of transferring characters/morphs/etc to newer generations with pluggins or if you want manually (complicated, but not too advanced process).
Thank you for the help. I am new to the forums here and somehow completely missed the new users forum despite it being at the top. I guess because I originally came to the forums for tech help so I zeroed in on that forum. Then when I thought to make this thread I just went on auto pilot to General lol. >.< I will poke around a bit more then if I have other Qs will post them in the new user area. :)
Thanks again!