sudden DS white-out!

has anyone had this happen to them?

This just happened, suddenly.

I restarted the computer, twice.  But this is all that comes up!  (attachment)

any ideas what to do? 

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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    Have you just updated Daz Studio? If so close DS and make sure it is fully closed and reinstall.

    If not, what happen if you go to Windows > Workspace and select either a custom (if you have saved one) or a standard layout?

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Thanks for replying!

    No, haven't updated, recently.  This is all I get, when I go to Worksapces (attachment).

    I have experienced one problem, lately, however:

    Last month, my product disappeared, in the Content Library.   Content still comes up in the lists, so that I can use it.  But it used to appear, below, as well.  now, that part stays blank.  (attachemnt 2)

    Don't know if that has anything to do with it.

    Do you think I'm going to have remove DazStudio, and reinstall it?

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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    It looks like DS is corrupt.

    I would suggest to close DS then uninstall and then reinstall.

    Issues with content should be independant to the issues with DS.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Okay, I will reinstall.

    Thank you for your help!

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    I need to uninstall a corrupted DAZStudio 4.9, and reinstall DazStudio, because DS corrupted.

    But I cannot find an uninstall command.   (attachment)

    I could delete DS, or Daz3D folder- if that would accomplish the same thing. ??

    .....Hoping that downloading DS would uninstall the corrupt one, I tried to download DS from the website, but could only find a link to DM (Download Manager), which I already have. (attachments)

    I need to remove the corrupt DS files, and replace this corrupted DS4.9 with a new one, so I can get things up and running, again.  What steps do I take?  (Do I need to delete the corrupt DS files?) 

    (I noticed that DM and Daz Central are in Program Files, while DS is in C: Daz 3D/applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4.- attachments.)          

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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    How did you install?

    If with DIM you can uninstall with DIM

    If manual, go to software center in windows (or what-ever it is called) and uninstall from there.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    If I'm on the correct page, all that comes up, when I try to redownload DS (hoping that it will ask to uninstall a previous version, as well), is that it connects me with a DM (Download Manager) link.  

    It offers DS. but takes me, to DM.

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  • Corrupt how? Most issus are not going to be fixed by uninstaling and reinstalling anyway, that is a  fix only for certain very specific issues.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    You haven't said how you installed DS.

    You should uninstall using similar method.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Corrupt how? Most issus are not going to be fixed by uninstaling and reinstalling anyway, that is a  fix only for certain very specific issues.

    This morning , my DS screen suddenly 'whited out'.  (attachment)

    I was trying to uninstall DS, so I could reinstall it. (assuming that's what I need to do.)  But I would need to uninstall the old one, I assume.


  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    dash2128 said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Corrupt how? Most issus are not going to be fixed by uninstaling and reinstalling anyway, that is a  fix only for certain very specific issues.

    This morning , my DS screen suddenly 'whited out'.  (attachment)

    I was trying to uninstall DS, so I could reinstall it. (assuming that's what I need to do.)  But I would need to uninstall the old one, I assume.


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  • Merged threads.

    If you installed through DIM, kept the packages, and don't want a newer version then make sure DIM is working offline, then right-click on the Daz  Studio application entry in the installed tab and select the option to reinstall. If you didn't keep the packages then you won't be able to reinstall an older version.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    I probably just downloaded DS diretly, it was a long  time ago.

    I can just delete the file (attachment).  ...if DM of Daz website would redownload DAZStudio.  But the website link  to DS, downloads the new DM, and I've already got that.

    I need DazStudio.

    I just tried to download it off of (the new) DM, but no icon appeared, I don't see DS.

    I need to get rid of this whited-out DS screen, and get DS set up again.  WHY do 'Download Studio' links, just take me to 'Download DM'?

    (Sorry for the all trouble.)   

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  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733
    edited February 2024


    I just located a link on Daz Central, that downloaded DS 4.22 for me!

    Seems to work!!

    Only question: do delete the original, corrupt version?

    ...or will that affect the new one?  ( path for old one is in attachment attachment.)   (DM and Daz Central, are in a different path)

    ...or did it just 'write over' the old path?  (and that did it?)  

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    Post edited by dash2128 on
  • You can get DS from its product page - though it will be the same version as DIM/Daz central, not the one you have now. If you used a stand-alne installer you should have an unisntaller, usually in the All programs>Daz folder (or Studio 4 sub-folder - I can't recall exactly) but isntalling a new version, by any method, should update the Start menu links and associations - it won't, however, update any links/shortcuts you hae created yourself.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733


    Thanks for your help!

    Both of you!

  • This just happened to me. I ended up going into Daz Install Manager and updating DS to the most current version. That took about 30 seconds to install and resolved the issue. Hope this helps someone in the future. 


  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Just noticed your post/reply.   Thanks!  I'll remember that!


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