Ravenskull Hall - acting bizzaro

To avoid pmd confusion, i loaded a couple of things that don't have pmds associated with them.
TM HOB Lamp and tried TM_HOB_OCT_Floor
both of these insist on locating a texture named TM_HOB_BSMNT_StepWalls_01c.jpg
which doesn't exist in the texture folder,
but that's not the bizarro part.
I searched the pp2s using wordpad for the texture name,
there is nooooo line in either of the pp2s calling for texture file name TM_HOB_BSMNT_StepWalls_01c.jpg.
no *BSMT*
and then, it starts looking for .psd files.
is this the twilight zone?
dogs and cats living together?
what happened to the universe?
and then, when i cancel all the texture search messages, it loads the textures the prop really needs.
how do you delete a texture call when it's not in the file?
didn't check the obj file. maybe there's a mtl reference or something for psds
doh, and my bus is coming in 15.

there it is! the stinker.
mtl files. can the fix be this easy? just delete the mtl files?
cant test it now, in the middle of watching wizard of oz
deleting those mtl files solved the problem.
learned something bout carrara.
doesnt ignore mtl files
trying to make chandelier an anything glows light.
following the manual. added anything glows light. copied the instance name of chandelier into anything glows property.
but dont want the whole chandelier to be a light, just the candle bulbs.
manual is saying something about environment light?
well, tried something simpler, tried the floor as the anything glows. turned ambient totally = 0 to be sure, doesnt look like any light is emotting from the floor. must be a pretty big step i'm missing
2:00am, when did that happen
If it is a rigged model, as some Poser and Studio models are, then you need to make sure that it is the actual geometry you are using as the light, such as, Model or Actor.
Additionally, you can use the options in the AG light to restrict light emitted to the shader's glow channel (if any). So, in theory, you could apply a glow channel to the candle flames/bulbs on the chandelier, and then apply the AG light to it, and select the glow option in the AG light. Other things to consider about the AG light is the offset, the method used to calculate the light, such as bounding box, vertex, etc. Get any of them wrong and it won't look right, or even work.
Another couple of options to think about instead of the AG lights is a shape light. Looking at the design of the chandelier, one of the options I'm thinking of is that you could use a couple ring shape lights and scale them fit the ring of candles/bulbs on the chandelier.
The second option that I'm thinking of would look the best, but take more time. For the candle flames/bulbs, ditch the glow, and instead add translucency and stick a Carrara bulb light inside each flame/bulb on the chandelier. If you use a neutral color, such as a gray in the translucency channel you can use the bulb color to tint it. That's what I did for my Holiday Lights set. I used one color shader for the bulb geometry and used different colored Carrara bulbs inside the light fixtures.
The Holiday Lights can be had here:
thanks. :)
i tried scaling one big bulb to surround the upper chandelier, bulb reverted back to 100%, dont know what triggered it to reset
The light from the bulb itself is emitted from around the area of the hot point, so even though the bulb avatar is large, that is just the avatar.
Did the bulb increase in size by parenting the bulb to the chandelier? I think I've had that happen. Not sure why. I've always been able to re-resize it. Can you?
well, i did the center hotpoint on the bulb, cuz it kept tilting on me. mebbe that wasnt such a good idea
so, seems like, if the shader on the 'anything glows' shader doesnt have any value in the 'glow' channel (i think channel the correct term)
then the object wont emit light?
object glow, object vertex, object facet.
seems to be caveats for environment lighting.
If you have the Object Glow selection enabled, then if there is no glow channel in the shader it won't work. If you don't have that option enabled, then the whole object will emit light, but it won't look as if it glows.
Remember, AG won't work on a bone, only on the geometry. So, if you have a V4 or a Genesis 1 or 2 in the scene, and you try to assign an AG light to the wrist/hand, that won't work. You need to have Model or Actor selected as the light source in the AG light control, and not the top-level figure name or any of the bones.
I know that you are trying to use AG to light a chandelier, or have the floor emit light, but it bears repeating: Some Poser and DAZ buildings/rooms/vehicles are rigged to allow doors to open, walls to be moved out of the way, etc. The AG light must be assigned to the Model or Actor, and not the top level/figure name or any of the bones!
Regarding the environmental light, you are correct in that it works much the same way as an AG light. I think the only difference is that it is more like a preset.
rendering ravenskull layout1 with the scene lights Jaguarella made. Thanks!!
i pushed the render settings high, another 44 minutes to go it's guestimating. projected 3.79gb. i'll have to load it to da.
took a couple hours. :D