Trying to remember a render fix
Greetings all,
Have been away due to a family crisis (which is still ongoing) and am easing back into Daz.
Anyhoo, here’s the issue, which I was able to find a solution before and have been trying to remember. When using Marshian’s 1900 Village the renders come out “soft” (the best way I can describe it would be it looks like there’s a diffusion/soft focus filter). This effect is carried over to other scenes unless D|S is closed then reopened or the new scenes have the Render Settings Defaults restored.
I seem to remember the solution is that there’s a setting, not sure if it’s a camera setting or something else, that was re-set to something like 4-5 and the solution is to reset that back to 0-1. Could anyone anyone point me in the right direction for what that setting’s called and where it’s at?
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for looking!
Check your filtering settings for bloom filter.
edit: corrected from "tonemapping" to "filtering".
Thank you so much @Gordig; that did the trick
It was the "Denoiser" that I was looking for 
I'll be honest: I kind of forgot all about the denoiser.