Not possible to change screen net

I am trying to back out on the visible screen net size so that more is visible in the viewport FOV as everything is zoomed in to the opposite side of the scene, I tried changing dimensions on custom render setting but this actually just does nothing to the viewable sector. How am I suppose to do thios as there is no FOV selector?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    You can use the magnifying glass icon near the camera control cube. Left click and drag to move the camera closer or farther away; right click and drag to change the camera focal length.

    Screenshot 2024-02-08 184422.jpg
    229 x 201 - 9K
  • This only widens to a certain point before backing outside of walls, everything is still zoomed in within walls

  • Adjusting focal length (the right-drag action) does not move the camera at all.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Adjusting focal length (the right-drag action) does not move the camera at all.

    When I move it back or forward it does go outside of the walls, that is what is happening when I try it. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    edited February 2024

    What is it that you are expecting it to do? Think of it like holding a real camera. Moving the camera (left click drag) will be like you are holding the camera and walk backwards. When you back into the wall, you either stop (and you are still inside the room) or you pass through the wall (via a door) to the outside and then you see the outside of the building. If you zoom the camera, by adjusting the lens to a wider angle (right click drag) you stand in the same place and the FOV changes to show more, but you are still inside the room. You can use both left click drag and right click drag to optimize your view; you don't have to choose one or the other.

    If you want to move the camera, back but still see the inside of the room, you can hide that outer wall that is in the way, or use an Iray Section Plane to make the wall invisible to the camera.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • VolvoB10MVolvoB10M Posts: 135
    edited February 2024

    It will only move in or out in relation to the view, the area covered is too small to see anything so as soon as it is moved back the other side is obscured from the view. I can't get anything out of left/right direction movement,it does not seem to work. 


    Edit: I can't load anything in at all now because nothing is recognised after reinstalling content so I can't even load the original environment I couldn't fit the camera in.

    Post edited by VolvoB10M on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    I think it would help if you showed some images of what you are seeing. The description of the problem doesn't seem to be enough for us to help you, and believe me, we are really trying to help.
  • I can't post screenshots for some reason, I tried posting screenshots to the other thread about some of the content not loading but after I reinstalled everything none of the content loads in so I can't even set the camera relevant to environment at all now. If I try putting a screenshot in it shows there is too much text.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    The Daz froum is cumbersome to use. You can't just paste an image into your forum message. I think these instructions will help.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    If your content isn't showing in the Content Library pane, you may not have your Content Directory Manager set to point to the right folder location(s). Reinstalling the Daz Studio program is almost never a solution to content problems.

  • I got redirected to some host page after posting the last time and when I went back it is showing double. Unfortunately I can't load anything in to DAZ Studio at all right now as I tried to fix this issue with stuff showing as not found then the 3rd party DRM application appears to have stopped me from even logging in to even access content in DAZ Studio. I also can't save screenshots to file, it only allows me to copy to clipboard ever since they got rid of snipping tool, I tried copying screenshots to paint but that does not allow me to paste screenshots now either. OBS also can't take stils. I am stuck with what to do with this.

  • I reinstalled the content after making sure the set location in DIM was the same as in the CMS, it reinstalled to the location but still will not work.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    What 3rd party DRM application are you talking about?

  • This PostgreSQL that is running the CMS

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    VolvoB10M said:

    This PostgreSQL that is running the CMS

    That's a SQL database for the Daz metadata, as far as I know. I don't think it has anything to do with DRM. What error message does it give you?

  • It is allowing me to login again now without an error, though I still can't get anything to load, I just get "Could not open file: [address].duf File does not exist."

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    There's not enough specific information to understand what you are doing or what you see/don't see.

    1. Are you trying to load a previously saved scene or a product asset when you get the file does not exist error?
    2. Can you see icons in the Content Library pane or is it empty?
    3. Does the Smart Content pane show any items?
    4. We need to see your Content Directory Manager settings and we need to know the file path where you installed your content with DIM. If you can't upload a screenshot (Did you try the instructions I linked???) then you need to upload it to an offsite image host and post a link.
  • I am trying to load products in the smart content tab, they are showing but will not load. I can load old scene subsets.


    1061 x 610 - 133K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I don't see anything in the Content Directory Manager that would prevent content currently loaded with DIM from working. Maybe your metadata needs to be updated. First lets see if Daz Studio and DIM are using the same port to talk to CMS. Your DIM settings show a CMS Database Port of 17237. Open Daz Studio and hit the F2 key to open Preferences. A Preferences dialog box will open. In that dialog, select the CMS Setting tab. If the Port number is not 17237, change it to 17237 and click Accept. If it is already 17237, good; just click Cancel.

    Report back here whether you had to change th port number in Preferences or whether it was already a match for DIM settings.

  • VolvoB10MVolvoB10M Posts: 135
    edited February 2024

    They are both 17237, I have it checked to update metadata when it logs in, is there any other way to update it? I have tried updating it via the connect drop down menu but this does not seem to do anything.

    Post edited by VolvoB10M on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    If you use DIM, do not use Daz Connect. Don't ever install or update any product from within Daz Studio if you install with DIM. It will only cause you problems. You will end up with duplicated files and total confusion. Some products like some scripts don't even work when installed inside Daz Studio. Uncheck the option to update metadata when you log in. Just keep using DIM.

    This is how you can update metadata that DIM installed:

    1. First, save any User Data that you have:
      • Open the Content Library pane.
      • Click on the 4 line "hamburger" menu to open the context menu.
      • Select Content DB Maintenance...
      • Put a checkmark on Export User Data and click Accept.
      • Wait for it to finish
    2. Then update metadta from the files that DIM stored in /runtime/suppoort
      • Open the Content Library pane.
      • Click on the 4 line "hamburger" menu to open the context menu.
      • Select Content DB Maintenance...
      • Put a checkmark on Re-import Metadata and click Accept.
      • A dialog will open with checkmarks on User Data and all your products. If you want to update all of it, just click Accept.
      • Wait for it to finish.

    See if you Smart Content is working yet.

  • It worked, thanks for that.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Is everything good now? Did you get your camera FOV issue resolved or understood (the original subject of this thread)?

  • It started doing it again then suddenly locked me out of the smart content CMS, 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I don't know what to advise about login failures. Is there any information in the log file (Help/Troubleshooting/View Log File). You may need to submit a help request and wait for customer service to respond. Maybe Richard Haseltine has some insight. Maybe Daz authentication servers are having an intermittent problem.

  • I have restarted it and trying to re-import metadata again

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    I have understood that there can be problems with the CMS if one has closed DIM or DS and before CMS has actually closed, one starts another session (of DIM or DS)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Since you are a DIM user, there is currently no need to log in to Daz Studio. Just uncheck that automatic login checkbox.
  • VolvoB10MVolvoB10M Posts: 135
    edited February 2024

    It doesn't let me see any content in the smart content tab if it is not logged in

    Edit: It shows everything if I start CMS, I realised can start it without logging in

    Post edited by VolvoB10M on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    VolvoB10M said:

    It doesn't let me see any content in the smart content tab if it is not logged in

    Edit: It shows everything if I start CMS, I realised can start it without logging in

    Smart Content relies in the CMS data base (which houses the metadata) to make it "smart". CMS must be running to use Smart Content. I wonder why it is not runniing for you by default. 

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