Where do I send people if they want custom G8Fs done?

One request I frequently get is from people who want me to put their custom characters into 3D images.

The problem is that I don't have the skill to do custom characters. Sure, I could learn it, but the return on investment doesn't seem worth pursuing. Using the hundred thousand G8F characters already available has been working well enough so far.

Still, I don't want to just give them a flat "no", because technically, if they were to find someone who could turn their character into a G8F, I COULD put their character into a piece.

So let's say someone contacts me looking for a custom character done. Where could I send them? Somewhere like Fiverr or Upwork?


  • What kind of custom character? Real person, drawing, video game? Depending on what it is, I may be able to do it or you can try the job posting board on renderhub.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,406

    If they already have the mesh (e.g., it's a likeness sculpt, or a video game model), then there are many people who can convert it fairly easily.  You can find people on deviantart for example who are doing these kinds of game model conversions.

    But if they want someone to sculpt (e.g., in blender, zbrush) or somehow dial-spin their specific requirements into being, from scratch, then i suspect price would be high.

    custom textures, clothing, hair, obviously also increases that cost.  No idea where you would direct them. A few creators on renderhub and devianrtart churn out custom daz characters frequently (people like totocandy, rhenderart) so maybe those people would be approachable for customs (i would have no idea).

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