Need help with new install of Studio

Well, I got a new computer for Christmas and after redownloading and customizing DAZ Studio, I discovered that I have forgotten how to turn off the yellow highlighting of an object in a scene when the cursor hovers over it. Can somebody please help?
It's under: Windows - tabs - Draw Style - Editor Tab - bounding box only now. :)
Thank you, SassyWench, that took me to the right place. They have moved things around so much in all the versions since the Beta version that I started with that half of what I know doesn't apply anymore.
Yup.. they moved it a few versions ago. Let's hope it stays there now! LOL
You'll catch up in no time. :)
Don't say stuff like's like the grocery store...just when you have everything memorized, they go and change it all up, just because they if too many people think it's perfect where it is, THEY will decide it needs to move...again.
Oops! You're right! I shouldn't have put that out in the universe (or the Daz forums)