Delete key no longer working? **Weird, but solved

KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
edited December 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

I feel like I am going crazy.  I know I used to be able to select something by just clicking on it and then being able to just hit the delete key and it would, you know, actually delete it.  Only, now it doesn't.  Ever since the last update, maybe? I have to actually go into the scene tree and right click on any items that I want to delete and actually select delete from the drop down menu.  This is getting very inconvenient since my automatic inclination is to just hit that delete key.  Am I going crazy?  I mean, I could have sworn that was how I have always deleted stuff.  Why doesn't it work now?  Anyone else have these issues?


Note: using DAZ  and I use Windows 7


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  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 2015

    Works for me...

    Are you sure that what you are trying to select hasn't been 'locked' so it can't be selected, other than through the scene tree?  If it is locked, there will be a little 'x' next to the eye in the scene tree.

    365 x 151 - 5K
    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • No, that was the first thing I checked.  No dice.  I don't know why it has suddenly stopped working.  I have even just loaded a new item and tried to delete immediately and it won't delete with the delete key.  If it is just me, I may have to try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that fixes it.  I know it the delete key itself isn't having problems because I checked and it works in every other program I've tried it in to see if it was a keyboard issue and that doesn't seem to be the problem.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    The keyboard shortcut may have been changed by accident?

    Press F3, then in the left pane under Action, look for Edit.   Expand that by clicking on the plus sign, and looking for Delete Selected Item(s) and under shortcut it should say 'Del'   If it doesn't, then you have to add it by right clickin on that entry, and selecting the change keyboard shortcut.

  • and then press the delete key, which should add its name to the shortcut field.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited December 2015

    Ok, fixed, but weird.  None of my hotkeys worked because when I went to press F3 that didn't bring up the customize menu.  I had to track it down and it has changed location since the documentation was written.  All of the documentation says Edit>Customize will get you to the customize menu however it isn't there anymore.  It is under Workspace>Edit>Customize.  Once I found it, 'Del' was the hotkey.  It just doesn't work.  I cleared that and redid the shortcut by selecting the Delete function and then hitting the 'Del' key.  Now all of my hotkeys are working even the F3 that wasn't working before.

    I use mouse clicks for just about everything except delete for which I automatically use the key.  I have no idea if the other hotkeys were working before and stopped working when I couldn't use delete anymore.

    It is all working now, though, so thanks guys.

    Edit: Thought I would edit to say that, no, I hadn't suddenly changed keyboards or anything weird.  Same computer setup for over a year, keyboard and all.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908
    edited December 2015

    If it's not custonised you might try reloading your layout - Window>Workspace>Select layout. I suspect the C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\customactions.dsx file may have been damaged (that's the Windows Vista+ location).

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    one of those rude Windows Update reboots terminated my Daz Studio ( losing 30 minutes of work )

    and all the shortkeys were basically gone

    i did a Window/Workspace/Customize/Defaults

    it's a bit extreme as a solution but it restores all the shortkeys

    you do lose your ui preferences but in my case that's no bit deal

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    Save ypour layout once you have it how you want.

  • Hi guys i have the same Issue

    but i dont know what do you mean press f3.. it doesnt do anything

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