Autofitting not working on Genesis 8.1 characters

I bought an older jeans for Genesis and when I use autofit on any character it just works fine, for example attached image for Henry. But whenever I try it on two new characters based on Genesis 8.1 (Novak or Pablo) the autofitting tool fails, see attached screenshot. I had the same problem with clothing for Genesis 2 or Genesis 3 and as far as I can see this appears to be an issue esspecially to pants and shoes: when I put clothes which were created for Genesis 2 or 3 on a Genesis 8 character it fits correctly... just for the mentioned Genesis 8.1 character the fitting of this clothing is not working. Is it realated to Genesis 8.1 in general or maybe just to the character I bought?

453 x 723 - 284K

autofitting fail.png
375 x 718 - 300K
Post edited by Dissendior on
I have Novak but I could not reproduce the issue... Have you chose "Genesis" in the dropdown list of "What figure was the item originally designed for?" in Auto-Fit dialog ?
yes... I double checked this to be sure
Oh... I'm just wondering why... Try auto-fitting on a G8.1M base figure (Dev Load) first...
Which version of DS are you using? (probably not relevant, but you never know...)
I use the current version
And I tried the auto-fitting for the Genesis 8.1 dev male and it's actually the same problem. I also tested the Genesis 3 clothing (Worker outfit) on a Genesis 8.1 dev male and it's the same. This outfit has some gloves for example, another pair of jeans and boots which I tried to auto-fit to the Genesis 8.1 dev male, I chose the Genesis 3 versions of the items and chose the right Genesis 3 as the version for which the cloth item was originally designed for. The result looks to me as if somehow dazstudio thinks the Genesis 8.1 male stand in T-pose instead of A-pose there. Interesting is that BEFORE autofitting run the cloth items are placed on the correct parts of the figure. Not 100% fitting but at least they were placed at the correct parts at first.
What helps as a workaround: I auto-fitted the items on a Genesis 8 based male first (which works without problems) and than I used RMB on the cloth item in scene editor > "Fit XY to..." > chose the Genesis 8.1 figure and left "Parent to target" checked. Then the cloth items were placed correctly on the Genesis 8.1 figure
Odd... as if on G8.1M, it used G2M's clone even if you selected G3M from "...designed for...".... Check the Clone files as per the screenshot, are they correct?
Maybe you can try to completely uninstall G8 Starter Essentials and reinstall...
Thank you this was very helpful.. I've checked the path to the clones and it was \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Clones for the Genesis 8.1 male whereas in your screenshot the morph used is located under \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Clones. After uninstaling and re-installing the Genesis 8 Essentials and re-opening the file finally it works now as now the same path to the morph is set for the Genesis 8.1 character as in your screenshot. I don't know when and how the clone morphs had been changed in my install for the Genesis 8.1 figure... strange.
Yea, sometimes that happens by chance. No problem ! It's great that you resolved it.