"installed" disappeared from DIM
I moved my whole content from C to D drive and now the Install Manager tells me nothing is installed at all.
In Daz Studio all the content is here.
I suppose some link is broken somewhere, but how do I fix this ?
This is part of my request for an uninstaller. Doing it part by part with window searching, is both tedious and unreliable
DIM keeps a record of what's been installed in the Manifest Archive folder. If you click the gear in the upper right corner and choose Basic Settings you can see where DIM is looking for the records.
I probably deleted this folder
Is there a way to rebuild it ?
In fact I do Have 4 CMS ... which one is the most complete ?
If you didn't ever change the default ManifestFiles folder, it locates in : C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles. Dbl-check it, as well as Windows Recycle Bin. The ManifestFiles have nothing to do with cms, they're just *.DSX files that DIM can read into "Installed" tab.
If you have no way to find the folder or Manifest Files, you have to re-installed all Products in DIM...
Thanks for your advices.
I finally decided to do a big pre spring-cleaning, deleted everything DazStudio related, trying to organize my back-up files. I have files dating from Poser 3...
Then I will reinstall only what I really use.
I had an exchange on another site with a guy who's using Advanced Installer. This is brilliant, but very time-consuming, not even speaking about the price of the program.
I tried to use Content Checkup : limited to one product or so, content wizard : either too complex for my aging brain or simply erratic, content package assist : same.