Mixing G8.1 and G9 Characters Scenes


I started using Daz last year, and really just enjoy it as a hobby. I have no plans to release professional art, comics or anything like that. 

Because G9 had been released, I decided to jump in with the new figure. Overall, I really enjoy working with G9 and have no regrets. I like the ability to easily swap skins and other resources, etc. That said, there are a number of G8.1 male characters that I really like (Jacques and Tyr in particular). I'm curious if anyone else has tried mixing G8.1 and G9 characters in the same scene and whether they look relatively similar, or if they come across quite different/unnatural from one another. I recognize that I will require different clothing, etc. for the G8.1 characters (although, lots of my resources like hairs actually work across both generations). I'm strictly talking about the "look" of having both generations within the same scene. 

Thanks so much. 


  • Mising figures should not be any great issue, I would think there are more noticeable variations between thes tyles of different character creators than there are inherent differences between the figure generations 9at least for a single generation).

  • Thanks for your response. I figured that would likely be the case.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,414

    Gen 9 doesnt represent such a massive step up so dont think that would be an issue.  visual consistency depends more on quality of character and textures/shader set up rather than on some blanket rule about generations.  You can still have intra-generational inconsistencies as different vendors will make characters using different shaders and in different styles/quality level.  As always, you can tweak settings to get more visual consistency between characters in a scene.

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