Carrara Beta Now Available To Carrara 8 Customers

CARRARA is the latest Beta Build!
If you own Carrara 8, we will add this new build to your account. You can run the production build of Carrara 8.1 side by side with this Beta build. Just don't uninstall 8.1 version when you install this beta release.
The purpose of providing this build is for you to see the progress we are making, see how Genesis looks in Carrara, see the new features we've added and provide input on the changes. You can also see the list of bug fixes below. This list identifies issues that were logged in the bug tracker and highlights many of the other fixes in this build.
New in Carrara 8.5:
1. Support for imported Genesis .dsf files (best used with DAZ Studio or newer installed).
2. Character presets can be applied. Go to the Instance Tab, select the 2nd Genesis listed in the tree or the Actor line, and double click the character from the list. If the one of these items is not selected, an additional figure will be loaded with that character applied.
3. New Parameters Pane and user experience
4. Carrara 8.5 Parameter Pane. If you are familiar with the Parameters Tab (with the Genesis figure) in DAZ Studio 4, the equivalent to Carrara 8.5 is the Parameter Pane which is accessed by selecting the second Genesis from the list.
5. Shaping in Parameters Pane. If you are familiar with the Shaping Tab in DAZ Studio 4, the equivalent for Carrara 8.5 can be accessed by selecting the Actor line from the tree in the Instance Pane.
6. Content Management System or CMS connection to utilize the DAZ Studio database (requires DAZ Studio or newer recommended to be installed). We are looking into a project to install the CMS for Carrara without the need of DAZ Studio. So for the Carrara customers not using DAZ Studio they can still take advantage of the new system. More information will be coming.
7. AutoFit is included in Carrara 8.5
8. Fit To (auto generates Genesis morphs) for Genesis designed clothing
9. Restore Figure tools
10. Memorize tools
11. Zero Figure tools
12. Smart Content Tab (shows all the content with meta data organized similarly to DAZ Studio's Smart Content Tab)
13. New SubD / Smoothing tool (display the smoothing slider of smoothed vertex object in the assemble room)
14. Improved Bullet Physics for soft body simulation
15. aniBlock importer has been updated and fixed for Carrara 8.5
16. Mac OSX Lion support has been implemented
17. Geo grafting has been implemented and we continue to work on this feature
18. New Light Icons to better represent the lights, the controls have also been improved.
19. DUF Files from DAZ Studio are now supported in Carrara 8.5 however, DUF material presets do not always apply textures to the selected figure.
If you are seeing issues please log the bugs in the bug tracker: DAZ BUG Tracker
Changes since the last beta build include:
DSF : Fixed #0045588 : Fixed transparent material issue
DSF : Fixed #0045528 : Fixed old character preset format loading
DSF : Fixed #0045786 : Fixed cloth loading on existing figure
DSF : Fixed #0045588 : Fixed transparent material issue
DSF : Fixed : Fixed file matching issue when two paths point to the same file on the disk
DSF : Fixed #0045528 : Fixed old character preset format loading
DSF : Fixed #0045961 : Added support for hrz and hr2 props for Genesis.
DSF : Fixed #0046155 : Fixed thumbnails issue
Carrara : Fixed #0046012 : Fixed crash with free form primitive
Carrara : Fixed #0042522 : Fixed shadow catcher accuracy problem
Carrara : Fixed #0046012 : Fixed crash with free form primitive
3DPaint : Fixed #0045916 : Fixed visible bone when painting on a skinned object
3DPaint : Fixed #0045724 : Fixed tablet tracking major issue
3DPaint : Fixed #0045916 : Fixed visible bone when painting on a skinned object
3DPaint : Fixed #0045724 : Fixed tablet tracking major issue
3DView : Fixed #0038654 : Added saving for 3d view pane part settings (camera, zoom, pan...)
Mac : Fixed #0039286 : Fixed nudge shortcut issue on the Mac
VertexModeler : Fixed #0045843 : Fixed crash with mesh subdivision
What you need to know about this build:
Note: We continue to work on Genesis compatibility. In the coming releases we are planning on adding presets for materials, poses and UV's.
1. The new V5 products will be reset in your account to allow these items to work properly in Carrara 8.5.
2. Pz2 material Presets do work on Genesis and Triax Content, to include content that has been auto-fit to Genesis now.
3. PZ2 Poses do apply to Genesis but it is not recommended and if the pose has translations on the feet or hands those will need to be zeroed.
4. DAZ Studio must be installed prior to running Carrara 8.5 in order to use Genesis or the Smart Content Tab.
5. If new content with meta data is installed, DAZ Studio will need to be started in order to get the smart content into the CMS database.
6. V4/M4/K4 shaders will not work on Genesis and will have to be manually built.
7. Posing Genesis must be done manually, for now there is no way to apply a pose preset to Genesis.
8. Order of morphs listed in the Carrara Parameters Tab is not consistent with the way it's displayed in DAZ Studio.
9. Our development team is working on the tools to transfer data from DAZ Studio 4 to Carrara using our new file format.
10. Included Tree presets may not look the same as they did in Carrara 7, we are looking into this currently.
11. IK is having some issues with posing the Genesis figure.
12. Mimic fixes have been implemented for Gen 4 and earlier.
13. Mimic and Mimic Pro for Genesis is fixed and will be made available to those who have purchases this.
This build will be added to your account by the DAZ 3D Customer Support Team. It will take time for all the updates to happen, so please be patient.
To register the Carrara 8.5 Beta you will need to use the serial code listed here: CDZCPRO-085-0031101-QCC-001-EBTQFGY (Expires June 26th 2012)
About Mimic Pro and this build:
If you own Mimic Pro and want to start using it with Genesis, you'll need to download a build just for Carrara You will NOT want to use this with your 8.1 build of Carrara. It won't work with both builds. However, if you install the new version in a different location, you can continue to have both versions on your machine. The same serial number will continue to work for both builds.
This new Mimic Pro build can be downloaded at one of these links:
Mimic Pro for Mac 32 bit
Mimic Pro for Mac 64 bit
Mimic Pro for Win 32 bit
Mimic Pro for Win 64 bit
If you would like to get to know Carrara 8 without purchasing right now, you can obtain a download for a 30 trial version at this site: Download Carrara 8 Trial Version
To see many of the new features and read the latest news on Carrara 8.5 visit CarraraCafe
the links for Mimic didn't works. ;)
Could you check it please?
thanks in advance,
We are aware of the problem with the links. We will update the links as soon as they are fixed.
What about an updated serial or letting us know when C8.5 will be out, as the current serial will die in 2 days
Thank you for the reminder. The SN has been updated in the post above. This will last till the 26th of June 2012
Carrara is saying that its an invalid serial
Got the email 5 May saying 8.5 build 132 would be in my downloads and I did not go looking straight away 'coz there were other things on and now there is no trace of it.
How can I get to this build. I am keen to test whether an aniblock import problem has been fixed. Still cannot reach the "contact us" location on the revised website.
Thanks in advance :)
Hey Stitlown,
Go into 'My Account' at the top & click 'Itemised Order History'
Run through the listing and click 'Reset' for your Carrara 8, this should also show up the 8.5 beta option too, it did last week when i did it after a HDD failure.
Same for me, also for rendernode.
Hey Stitlown,
Go into 'My Account' at the top & click 'Itemised Order History'
Run through the listing and click 'Reset' for your Carrara 8, this should also show up the 8.5 beta option too, it did last week when i did it after a HDD failure.
Thanks for the tip pscammp but it did not appear to work for me. I reset both the original C8.0 pro and an earlier beta 8.1 but all that has come into the downloads appears to be the original C8.0. Lets see what else turns up.
Thanks :-)
Problem Solved as per pssammp. It was there just looked like it was the original 8.0 file. Suggestion to Daz maybe more fulsome file description. My recollection was this was clearer on the old platform.
Lx :red:
Carrara will not accept the new serial number.
I do it, i have the but it dont accept the serial posted above. Only works in trial mode and, for render node, it is impossible in trial mode too.
Sorry I goofed in creating the SN. Here is one that will work till June 26th. CDZCPRO-085-0031101-QCC-001-EBTQFGY
you are forgiven ;)
1) are displacement maps going to be handle like in daz studio in carrara 8.5? (so that i dont have to re make them)
2) are visual style shaders going to work in 8.5?
I'm having issues with bailing on warnings. Anyone else having this?
For instance, the "Creature Creator Heads for Genesis" has references to the FBMs for the Bodies. C pops up a warning about not finding those files (which don't exist since I didn't buy the bodies, just the heads) then bails on loading anything. I suspect that this behavior is expected as debugging, but I was wondering.
Also, I've reported hundreds of lines of warnings spit out by C8.5 on Genesis content.
Hoping this is the place to post #132 problems.
I had two DS+C8.5#107 issues - morph anibolcks not coming across and a DS issue in creating custom clothing that C could not read.
I've sucessfully got my custom clothing out of DS into C#132 and it works a beaut on my simple aniblock. But when I loop the aniblock so a walk path is not a treadmill, the clothing explodes!
First 2 pics are a work-around showing the clothing imported as an independent figure and the same aniblock applied to both Genesis and the clothing. All working as one might hope - but without the ability to conform the clothing onto Genesis. Pic 1 is at the start. Pic 2 is after 4 loops.
Next 3 pics show the clothing imported onto Genesis and the aniblock applied to Genesis only. You can see at the end of the first loop all is OK (pic3). One frame later at the start of the second loop the clothing has exploded! (pic4) And at the start of each loop the clothing explodes more so that it becomes wilder and wilder. Pic 5 is the start of loop 4 and the same location on the timeline as pic 2.
The damage is the loop offset - whether done in the master clip tab or the override tab. The more the offset, the larger the explosion. you can see in pic 5 that the clothing is way more exploded than in pic 4 because it has had two more explosions since.
So ... a bug by the look of it. Clothing done via a .duf file. It appears writing this writes a .dsf file in the bowels of the "data" library because I had to delete the flawed DS4.0 version before the import worked and a new one date stamped today has appeared.
Is there any other way to loop the animation to get around this issue?
BTW Mr Daz, why the 5 pic limit if it's way under the attachment space limit?
Image removed by a moderator till resized...please see this thread for info:
And for my second issue - aniblocks created in DS that work fine there but when imported into C8.5 only the bone movements and not the morph changes come across.
Situation unchanged for Genesis. I have confirmed that C-Genesis has the required viseme morphs and that they work when manually dialled so it does look like the aniblock importer is just not picking them up.
Situation still OK for M4 - the aniblock import (a different aniblock because the morphs and bones are different) works fine. Visually the M4 keyframing for the head is miles more dense than for Genesis - all those missing morph keyframes.
Any thought's anyone. DAZ_spooky (in the now gone-but-not-forgotten) old forum, seemed to think this was a problem that would be fixed.
I didn't see this in the first post so I'll just ask here. Is there going to be any exporting improvements into Unity? So far the biggest problem I'm having right now is the Z - axis not being in the correct position. I have to export the same model at least three times to try and get it to align correctly and I have to do this for EVERY model I make. For stationary models it's not such a big deal but now I'm trying to get into animation and I've already spent 4 hours trying to get one character model to import correctly and I'm still working at it. I love Carrara and I think it's a great program, but I won't be able to use it for game design if I can't export anything.
8.5 beta does not show under my download files.
I reset the following which is the only choice I have for Carrara 8
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade from Carrara 7 Pro (inactive)
Any ideas?
a positive comment about C8.5 pro (which some things Genesis aside I am finding to be a stable build in general)
sssssssssshhh I better whisper this,
the FBX import is fairly compatible to the iClone 3dxchane pipeline I am beta testing unlike many other apps others are trying besides MAX ofcourse.
actually Daz studio FBX aside I have found most FBX files import fairly well compared to previous versions which tended to scramble the mesh up like the piggy thing transported inside out on Galaxy quest!
it is just a shame compatibility with Daz studio has not occured yet though the new DS4.5 has some limited FBX, I might have to download the 32bit beta of both Studio and Carrara and stick it on my craptop so I can continue using DS4 on my desktop to look at it more.
DS4.5 was too annoying without plugin compatibilty for me to keep it
I do like the Carrara beta though, physics seems better too!
I installed the new Carrara v8.5.0.132 but i didnt notice were it went and it installed over the carrara and now it is asking for a key but when I try to put in the key that I have for the old one it says error wrong serial number. so what do i do and were do I fine a serial number that will work. .
The serial number for the beta is in the first post of this thread.
Having same problem as others - I can't identify which download is the new beta - I hit reset on my C8 upgrade and got 8 pages - mostly content. But there were several duplicates for the program - I can narrow it to two choices, but not further
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Mac32_i386 - zip - mac
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Mac64bit - zip - mac
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Win32bit - exe - pc
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Win64 - exe - pc
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Mac32_i386 - zip - mac
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Mac64bit - zip - mac
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Win32bit - exe - pc
Carrara 8 Pro Upgrade - Win64bit - exe - pc
How do I know which of the win64bit - exe - pc is the Beta?
HI diomede64 :)
None of the files you listed are the 8.5 Beta
The Beta version should be listed as "Beta" it's NOT an upgrade or update.. yet.
see the picture.
The two files with the same name: Win64Bit - exe pc.
1 x Carrara RenderNode, 1 x Carrara Application.
I noticed this version of DAZ Studio must be installed prior to running Carrara 8.5 in order to use Genesis or the Smart Content Tab. But the version I have is is that post out of date? is fine, it just has to be at least
Access to DAZ content in Carrrara Beta. I am trying to figure out how to get and find stuff in Carrara 8 content tab. I notice basic DAZ stuff that came free, but dont see the stuff I actually bought from DAZ that was installed in DS. Do I need to reinstall my content for it to show up better. And whats up with the alphabetical list? I would be great if everything was broken down by type.
Hi Akulla3D :)
Your DS (Genesis) content, should show up in the "Smart content panel in the C8.5 beta.
If it doesn't,.. try closing Carrara,.. opening DS (especially if you've installed the latest version, or a newer version, which allows DS to update the Content management system.
Then close DS, and open Carrara again. see if the Smart content is there now.
The alphabetical list is simply an alternative way to find your products.
Hope it helps :)
thx 3DAGE