Saving Hand poses and Face morphs for G2/3

I can save full body poses but I cannot get the hand poses to work at all. I just want to make fists, slaps etc...and also I want to know how to do face morphs as well.
Im sure it isnt hard but I cant seem to make it work no matter what I have read or watched so far.
meh, double post
After you used File - save as - pose preset and chosen your location for the pose save, in pose preset save option window deactivate/uncheck your figure, so nothing is selected. Than open bones hierarchy by clicking on little triangles in front of the bones until you open hand bone and select/activate parts of the hand. Or you can activate whole hand and than deactivate General and Pose controls.
If you used pose sliders from parameter tab pose control menu to make the the pose (instead moving bones manually) than you need to activate Pose controls as well.
Thanks for sharing Ben, it's very helpful to remember that
Thanks! and the face morphs?
For morphs you can use File - Save As - Shaping Preset.. This will save just changes to the shape. Or you can use Character Preset.. which will save shape and materials ("skin"), whole character basically.
Another difference between character and shaping preset is that character preset will automatically load the figure as well, while with shaping preset you have to load the figure first and than apply shaping preset to it.
The only way of just saving the head shapeing, is to have all the body options zeroed. It does save the body, but is at it's default; loading body after the head will changed the head, so can't use it a means of merging them - at least I haven't discovered a way so far?
Shaping preset gives you option to include or exclude specific morphs in the save, similar how pose preset gives you option to include/exclude specific bones. So, stuff not included wont do anything when you apply the preset.
Really? Good to know.