Cant Find Content After Windows Reset

I have had to do a Windows reset which apart from other things has removed all my installed programs such as Daz Studio. All my content is stored on another seperate drive (for just such dire occurances as this) so my content is all still there but after doing a fresh install of Studio I cant see my content in the Content Libraries tab. Smart cont tab is there however. I have checked online for other people with this problem but cant find anythign that helps. For reference I'm on Windows 10 and my content are located at E:\Daz 3D\Studio\My Library and this is what I entered into the location box during the install process. I have tried doing the Content Manager Maintenece and doing the re-import metadata, and while this is going on I can see all the content beiing listed as it goes through the process but once that is finished the Content Library is still empty. After several hours of trying to sort this out I am about ready to wing the PC out the window!

It looks as if you have collapsed the folder list - if you look part way down the empty file list on the left there is a darker area in the border, click that and I think your folder list will appear.
Sigh.............hiding there in plain sight!!!!!! Thanks Richard, saved my sanity!!!