Load DSF file

Sorry for the noob question. Trying to find the solution for a couple of days now.
I just have installed Daz Studio 4.8 Pro. I can load the default Geneses actors.
I want to use Daz Studio for my drawing skills. I need the view the anatomy of a figure very well. With the default genesis this is not possible.
So i have downloaded a buidybuilder actor (dsf file) via this link : http://www.sharecg.com/v/82157/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/G2M-Body-Builders-Morphs
If i open the file nothings happens. No genesis is loaded.
This morph is for Genesis 2. You need at least Genesis 2 starter essentials, otherwise it will not work.
The dsf file needs to be placed inside the 'data' folder of your library, you cannot load it like a figure or prop.
Install the zip content to you library, where everything in the zip's 'data' folder goes to your library's 'data' folder.
If done so, load a new Genesis 2 figure in the scene.
Select the Genesis 2 figure and then there should be a new actor for the bodybuilder shape in the parameters or shaping tab.
Thank you. Now i have the ability to select the morph.
So i have imported a genesis and loaded the morph. But sill nothing happens.
Where can i adjust the settings of the imported morph (bodybuilder morph)?
How can i see that the file is loaded?
In the parameters tab there is an entry named 'Kains Morphs'.
If selected there are two options called 'Body Builder 1' and 'Body Builder 2'
Move the sliders and the Genesis 2 shape will change.
(tested with Genesis 2 essentials only. no other morph packs required.)
As you can see the morph is not loaded.
On the left you can see my libary. I have tried to load the morph but can't see nothing in the parameters.
I have the same issue with my other morphs.
The install is wrong - the Data folder in G2M Bodybuilders\My Library (and any other folders in there with it) need to be moved to the My Library folder that holds the G2M Bodybuilders folder, where it will merge with the existing data folder and the morph will load with the figure.
Extract the zip file to a dummy/temporary location...like your desktop. The zip file, when extracted produces a My Library folder...the CONTENTS of that My Library (a data folder with subfolders) get MERGED with your existing content library (My Library). There should be no files that show up in the Content Library or Smart Content, just the sliders in the Parameters tab.c
If installed correctly, you will not see any .dsf files in the content browser.
It only adds new actors to the figure's parameters tab.
That is what it should do - the .dsf files in the Data folder are not "user-facing", they are asset files that load with the figure automatically.
Sorry for the late reply.
The files located to the data folder did the trick.
Thanks everybody
Thanks for the great information. A very helpful post and I'm sure I'm speaking for many who are getting into the power afforded by using third party morphs or designing their own. :-)